welcome to the good life

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back with another short, soft one!
and update on the last chapter, i've decided to make "trying to save us" into its own separate book! the first chapter aka the one-shot is already up and the second chapter should be up soon as well!
hope you guys enjoy <3

"Shit!" Kaycee heard her boyfriend — no wait fiancé, mutter under his breath from the kitchen.

Pots and pans could be heard moving around, the cabinets were wide open, and seasoning and spice containers were strewn all over the counters.

A visibly nervous Sean Lew was pacing back and forth across their shared kitchen, his anxiety muddling his typical confidence in the kitchen.

Kaycee watched him, trying to hide her growing smile. She thought it was cute, he was cute. It was rare to see the man this flustered and anxious, usually it was him trying to comfort and soothe her nerves.

The man was marching around the kitchen humming along to the music from his airpods trying to do whatever it would take to ease his mind when Kaycee got up from the couch and made her way to the kitchen doorway, leaning against the wall.

From there she watched as her fiancé stood in front of the stainless steel stove, his back turned to her as he stood tensely stirring up the pot of food that Kaycee was sure was going to be delicious.

She made her way over to him, gently wrapping her arms around his waist so as to not scare him. Laying her head on her head in between his shoulder blades, she could feel him sigh as his body was relieved from the tension he was feeling, letting out a sigh in content when he felt her presence.

"Bubs, relax. It doesn't need to be perfect, but I'm sure it will be anyways because you're hosting," Kaycee muttered, nuzzling her nose further into his back, inhaling the familiar scent she's been lucky to know for the past seven years.

"You don't understand Kayc, it has to be perfect. Yeah, I've hosted dinners before, but this one is special it has to be one hundred percent perfect. We only announce our engagement to your parents once, I have to leave a good impression," the man sighed out, quickly stirring the pot and grabbing different spices to toss in.

Laughter left Kaycee's mouth after his statement, "Babe. My parents absolutely love you, hell they love you more than they love me at this point. You impressed them a long time ago, there's nothing to worry about."

She really didn't understand the man's nerves, they've been together for four years and partners for seven. Both of their families quite literally celebrated when the two announced they were dating, there's no way they wouldn't receive the same, if not bigger, reaction to their engagement announcement.

Kaycee was far from worried about her family not being supporting of them and this next step. Her parents have loved him as if he was their own child since their first rehearsal for wod when he brought them homemade cookies as a thank you for letting Kaycee compete with him.

The last thing he had to worry about was winning over her parents.

He's been invited to every Rice family parties since they were fifteen and sixteen years old, went on out of town trips that even Kylie and Devon weren't present for, and has been invited to every single one of Kaycee's intimate, birthday vacations that was reserved strictly for only her closest family and small group of best friends.

He was practically already a Rice member. He didn't know this, but Laura and Brad have been thinking of him as "Kaycee's husband" since the duo were teens. There was nothing more he could to do win them over, they already loved that young man.

"That's exactly why I have to make this memorable, baby. I made such a big impact on them since the beginning when we first became partners that now I have to somehow one-up every single one of those memories. Why did my parents have to raise me so well," Sean complained, still trying to perfect the food.

Pulling away from him, Kaycee shook her head giggling at him as she hopped up onto the counter space to his left. He added in one last pinch of salt before washing his hands and walking in between Kaycee's legs.

"Gross, don't wipe your wet hands on me. These are my good jeans," she said jokingly pushing him away.

"Be nice to me, I don't feel good," he pouted, "I don't even know why I'm so nervous but I am. I just want them to be excited for us and to be happy about it all." Tucking his head into Kaycee's neck, he wrapped his arms around her waist making her hold him as he tried to relax.

She sighed, rubbing his back gently with one hand as the other scratched his scalp lightly. "I can promise you that they will be happy my love, if they wanted me to marry anyone it would definitely be you. No questions asked."

"I know, I know. But we're so young and this is such a big step for any couple to take, I know they won't be mad about it being us, Sean and Kaycee, getting married because of how compatible everyone knows we are, but I'm worried that they might think we're young and moving too quickly."

"You do realize we've been together for a little over four years right? We've been dating for the same amount of time it took us to finish high school, well that's if we went to a real high school, but you get the point. Dating for a long time and best friends for even longer, we're not moving too fast. And if they were worried about how young we are then they would've never let us live together, Sean. There's no need to overthink this."

"You're right," he mumbled against her neck, "I always forget we live together, like officially, just us two. We spent so much time at each other's houses as kids that we've practically been living together all along."

"See, we've basically been married since we were teens, no need to worry about an engagement announcement now, my parents already accepted the concept years ago," she said before placing soft kisses onto his forehead, still caressing his hair.

Sean hummed, his eyes closing as he took in the serenity he always felt when he was in Kaycee's arms. She always knew what it took to make him feel better. She was his person, always.

*Ding dong*

"Well," Kaycee jumped from the counter, grabbing his hand,"it's now or never."

"You know, never doesn't sound too bad actually. Or maybe we should announce it to them during the wedding? Huh, how does that sound to you," he asked trying to cancel their announcement.

"Nope, let's go baby or I'm taking this ring to the pawn shop."

thank you all so much for 11k reads! truly did not think this book would surpass a hundred let alone ten thousand. i know this one was a bit short but i hope you all enjoyed and check out my new book! please don't forget to vote and comment <3

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