telepathy tests and pizza time

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hi everyone hope you enjoy this one <3
The Lew household was far more quiet than usual, no one home besides the youngest member and the family's dog.

Sean sat on the couch bored out of his mind as he waited for his best friend to inform him of her arrival. The two had decided it was about time they film an announcement for their joint YouTube channel and thought they might as well film another video in the process.

The teen was just about ready to fall into a deep slumber when he felt a buzzing go off on his chest, the familiar sound of Kaycee's ringtone filling the room.

"Hello," he answered sleepily, his screen only showing his living room ceiling as he tried to rub the sleep from his eyes.

"I told you you should've went to sleep earlier last night, dood," Kaycee said as her camera finally connected to the call, "I'm pulling up outside your house right now. Come on grumpy, you have to pick all the pizza ingredients."

"Coming," he groaned as he slipped on his shoes and grabbed his house keys before hanging up the call, walking out the door toward the familiar Lexus parked outside his house.

He tugged the door open and greeted his best friend with a hug and an innocent kiss to the head before they began their trip to the supermarket. After ten minutes of some intense carpool karaoke, they finally arrived at their destination.

"Okay, since this is a telepathy test we're gonna have to get a couple of different sauce and topping options," Sean said pushing the shopping cart that Kaycee already sat comfortably in.

"Lead the way, Lew!"

The two teens moved around the store with Sean running around whilst pushing the cart for the sake of scaring the girl inside, this action causing their fellow shoppers to stare at them with nasty glares, but they couldn't care less, they were having fun.

"Stop," the girl laughed out forcing him to come to a halt, "see, this is exactly why I have my license and you don't. If this is how you maneuver a shopping cart around a Whole Foods, I can't imagine a car through the streets of LA.

"Say that to my Mario Kart stats Kayc, I can drive," he said reaching over the girl's head to grab a jar of white sauce.

"I don't think that's a good enough comparison to defend you're driving skills, but since I'm stuck in this cart underneath this pile of assorted meats and cheeses, I'll just let you have it to spare you crashing me into one of the aisles."

"You know, I didn't even think about that but thanks for the perfect blackmail," he joked pushing her toward the produce section of the store.

"Now onto some toppings," he said browsing his options, "what do you want me to grab?"

"Onions! And maybe some avocado?" Kaycee suggested waiting for the boy's reaction, laughing when she saw him begin to fake gag, but he grabbed the two items anyways.

Due to the boy's complaints about being hungry and his equally loud grumbling stomach, the dance duo made their way through the produce section collecting a variety of toppings before running everything through the self-checkout registers and loading all of their purchases into Kaycee's car.

It wasn't long before they made it back to Sean's place, arms full of groceries as they carried everything to the kitchen.

Sean clapped his hands together before throwing on his apron, Kaycee grabbing his Chopped Junior chef's coat as they began washing their produce.

"I'll do all the dicing and fine slicing, can you just please hold your knife carefully and do the mozzarella," Sean asked begging the girl to be safe.

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