from this day forward

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Weddings weren't exactly Kaycee's cup of tea.

It's not that she didn't like watching people be in love and promise their lives to each other. In fact, she actually found it quite adorable. The idea of planning a whole ceremony filled with everyone you love, coming together to celebrate a lifelong promise; she loved every bit of it.

Well almost.

She loved the whole concept until it came to seeing all of her relatives and having to tolerate their invasive questions.

So how's the whole dancing thing? Is Juilliard as good as all the movies say it is? Any boys in your life? Are you sure you don't want to find another career path?

Nothing was worse that having to deal with nosey relatives butting into all of her business and not being able to escape from it.

If it had been anybody else's wedding, Kaycee would easily plant herself at one of the minibars for the rest of the night; keep as far away from annoying family members for as long as she could.

But today she couldn't. No, today was the day her big brother, her biggest supporter, her best friend was getting married.

And he couldn't be marrying anyone better. She'd met Devon's now wife, Jade, through dance. Both of them running into each other at conventions and in classes.

The happy couple actually met thanks to Kaycee after she told her brother to help jumpstart Jade's car after a class one day when the girl's battery died.

Kaycee's proud to say that the two hit it off and it was all thanks to her matchmaking magic. Because of Devon and their love of dance, Kaycee and Jade along with Kylie had pretty much become sisters.

So no, no excuse would get her out of this one.

The ceremony itself was amazing. Everything her brother and Jade had ever dreamt of. But now it was time for the real hard part.

The reception.

Maybe she was being dramatic, but Kaycee would rather die than have to interact with all of the relatives her parents made Devon invite.

She felt someone, most likely her mother, bump hips with her, nudging her to the dance floor to greet some guests. Her mom may have nudged her a bit too harshly because before she knew it, she spilled her freshly poured champagne all over someone's charcoal gray turtle neck and right down their navy pants.

Kaycee was too aghast to even look up at the man. Muttering apologies and rapidly patting down the man's shirt trying to absorb as much of the champagne, she had to admit this man was quite fit.

The man placed a gentle hand on top of the girl's signaling for her to stop. Kaycee finally glanced up still extremely flustered, when she noticed the supermodel of a man standing in front of her.

"Hey, don't worry, at least it wasn't red wine," the man said amused carefully sweeping his chocolate eyes all over the girl's face.

Feeling nervous under his gaze, Kaycee began pulling away the hand that was still being held by his.

"Alright, well sorry again about that. If you wanted to wash up there's a bathroom right over there to your left. And again, I'm so sorry about the spill," the girl rambled.

"Like I said, don't worry about. Trust me, this isn't a big deal. I'm just gonna go dry off a bit," he said trying to reassure the girl that he was not upset in the slightest.

Kaycee waved as he walked over to the bathroom before turning to her mother with a glare to which her mother simply shrugged clearly enjoying the entire scene she caused.

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