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thank you all so much for 15k reads on this book it means more than you all will ever know.
this one's loosely based off of 3:15 by bazzi so if you've heard it then you might know what to expect
hope you all enjoy this one <3
If there was an award for the least impulsive person in the world, Sean Lew's name would be on it.

Sean couldn't stand doing things last minute. If it wasn't planned at least two days in advance he was not doing it. If the flight wasn't booked months ahead, then he was not going. Everything he does— every tour, every show, every class, every trip, everything, had to be carefully and meticulously planned. That was just the type of person he was.

Sean Lew was the furthest thing from impulsive. Yet it was currently 2am and here he was getting off of his last minute plane ride to Paris, France.

Living a life with some surprises is good for the mind, it's food for the soul. Impulsive decisions gives some excitement to a mundane life even if it only lasts for a few days. Sean should've been excited for this trip, but his chewed up fingernails and bloodshot eyes said otherwise.

"Why was Sean going to Paris?" one might ask. Well, no one really knew but him. His manager and agent were surprised to find him packing in his hotel room, he wasn't set to fly out anywhere that weekend. They were currently in Osaka, Japan where Sean was spending his short, three-day break from touring with the newest up and coming Kpop group before he head to be on the road again for one final month.

Confused by his sudden impulsiveness, his manager immediately contacted his parents hoping they might have an idea as to why Sean was acting out of character. His parents were just as confused as his team until Miya looked at her calendar, now she knew exactly why. Only one person could ever make Sean act without a second thought.

October 21st.

The date that would forever hold a special place in his heart. It was the day that his favorite person was born, also the day that he last saw her.

A year ago, on this very date, Sean found himself standing at his terminal in LAX. An exhausted Kaycee Rice was clinging onto him with her dear life, begging for him to stay, to not leave her for over a year.

Kaycee was being selfish, she wanted him all to herself but could anyone blame her?

Just the night before, on the eve of her 24th birthday, her best friend and the man of her dreams had finally confessed his undying love to her. Thrilled was an understatement in describing how she felt in that very moment, she was finally living the life she wanted.

Her career was thriving, she was able to repay her parents for all the hard work they dedicated toward her career, and now her best friend, the genius that was Sean Lew, admitted that he was in love with her. After years of them straddling the line between best friends and lovers, things finally seemed real.

She was one of the lucky few that fell in love with their best friend and the love was completely reciprocated. She got to fall in love with her literal partner in life, the man who helped shape her and her career. And he loved her just as much.

But her happiness all came crashing down when Sean admitted, just a few minutes after professing his love, that he was hired to tour the world for thirteen months. And when was he leaving? The next day, the day of her 24th birthday.

After a long, dull year later, the pair still hadn't spoken. Sean didn't feel like he was allowed to reach out to Kaycee after being the one to hurt her and Kaycee couldn't find it in her heart to reach out to him, the wound was still fresh.

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