always forgive your enemies

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as requested, here is part two of "sworn enemies," this plot is really one of my favorites and i'm glad to see that you guys feel the same way. without further ado, here it is and i hope you all enjoy <3


Almost a week had passed since the proposal and since Sean and Kaycee discovered the minimal mistake that costed them years of friendship.

Sean still couldn't believe that something as little as getting the name of Kaycee's summer camp wrong had been the reason that they lost time together.

They went from being the best of friends in elementary school to enemies all throughout high school and now right before their senior year of college. All because of a simple mistake.

However, it was easy for the two to laugh it off. Sure they were sad that they lost years of friendship, but their hatred for each other was never legitimate hatred. Just what you would call a competitive nature.

They never outwardly embarrassed each other in front of the entire school nor did they ever risk the chance of ruining something that was important to the other.

Some outsiders might even say that the two had been still been friends all along. Just distant friends. Acquaintances really.

To most people their relationship didn't seem much different. Their dynamic did change yes, but everyone thought the constant bickering through the school halls and the overtly competitive nature just seemed like two good friends who liked having a little bit of innocent fun. Heck, most people thought the two were secretly dating and were just putting up an act to divert the attention.

But for the two of them, the whole thing felt real. They felt the pain of no longer having their closest friend at their beck and call. They felt what it was like to see that one person you used to trust with everything turn into an enemy.

Fortunately for them, they were able to patch things up without there being an awkward tension. In fact, ever since they rekindle their friendship, the two have yet to stop talking. Either via text, dm, or facetime, the pair have spent nearly every second of the past six days catching up on the six years of friendship they lost.

All of their closest friends and family were ecstatic to hear all about the two getting along, they grow tired of their childish banter and were ready to get the old Sean and Kaycee back. Though, instead of having to hear complaints from them about the other, everyone was stuck having to hear them gush about how great they are to everyone they know. Literally everyone.

Sean was currently on his way to his childhood home to visit his parents and to do what else you may be wondering? Yup, to tell them all about Kaycee.

Sean's parents had been apart of the lucky few who have yet to deal with his uncontrollable rants about Kaycee. While they knew that the two were friends again, they didn't really know much about how it all happened.

Humming along to the generic pop song playing from his car's stereo, Sean happily tapped on the steering wheel matching the upbeat drums of the song. He was excited to tell his parents about Josh and Tahani's proposal as well as explain how he managed to get his best friend back.

He laughed to himself as he pulled up to the house he spent most of his life in, he still couldn't believe that a silly mistake had done that much damage. Locking his car, Sean walked into his old home, calling out for his parents only to find his mom in the kitchen.

"Ma! How are you! Dad working through lunch today?" he asked as he rounded the kitchen island to hug his mother.

Reciprocating the hug, Miya nodded as she kissed her son's head. "He might have to stay at work for a little longer to take inventory so it looks like we're having a mother-son lunch."

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