one of them

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this one's a short and sweet one i hope you all enjoy <3

If you told her a few years ago that her youngest daughter would recruit one of her friends as the new member of the Rice family, she wouldn't doubt it. Kaycee was always the most kind-hearted, accepting girl out there; there's no doubt she'd be the one to make others feel at home at the Rice residence. But what Laura didn't see coming was that this friend would be the one and only Sean Lew.

Being one of the very few people who got to witness their friendship and partnership bloom from the very beginning, Laura saw the immediate chemistry between the two kids. From competing against each other at Showstopper American Dance Championships to competing together as a duet on World of Dance, the chemistry and connection had always been undeniable. Despite having been competitors from a young age, the two never once saw each other as competition.

It was quite the opposite really.

Where most kids would never befriend their "enemy" or "competition," Sean and Kaycee saw each other as motivation to be better. Not to be better to beat each other, but to be better because they saw each other as a sample of greatness. They felt inspired by each other and felt like the other was the model of what a talented and successful dancer should look like. While the two children never outwardly admitted this to each other, Laura has found herself sitting through venting sessions with both of the kids separately.

Kaycee would tell her mom all about how Sean "was a really clean dancer" and go on and on about how much she wanted to "be as good as him one day" as the pair would stroll through convention lobbies.

Sean, on the other hand, couldn't stop himself from commenting on how Kaycee's facials were "so fierce" and that her control was "out of this world" as he munched on the snacks his mom had packed for him to eat while he sat with her and Laura during Kaycee's pre-performance run throughs with Tricia.

So after seeing how close the two kids were, was Laura truly shocked that Sean asked Kaycee to become a duet? Definitely not.

But what truly took her by storm was just how quickly Sean had solidified his role in the Rice family.

He went from "being one of the close friends that Kaycee was always sure to invite to the lake house for every birthday" to "being the only friend Kaycee felt she truly needed at the lake house."

Birthday weekends at the lake house with Kaycee, Sean, and the rest of her group of friends turned into weekly trips to the lake house with their guest room permanently occupied every weekend by a certain raven haired boy.

But that wasn't the end of it.

Sunday night rehearsal's for World of Dance was the start for "Sean's Sunday" an on-going tradition of in the household which composed of Sean getting to decide the family's dinner as they all rotated weekly to be his sous-chef.

The dinner table that once seated five Rice's and a guest now holds six Rice members.

Once quiet, post-dance class car rides with a tired Kaycee are now carpool karaoke with the two teens and Kylie belting out the lyrics to the entire High School Musical discography as they venture on their way home.

Whenever in need of interior design insight, Devon always turns to the king of aesthetic himself. There's not doubt in his mind that Sean could put together a striking color scheme for his next showroom.

Thanks to Sean, Brad's far from short of clients since he spent days revamping his company's entire website. Of course, he wouldn't be Sean Lew if he didn't throw in his editing skills and record a picturesque informercial as well.

When it comes to grocery shopping, Laura doesn't think twice to call up Sean asking what the family needs at the house and what ingredients he'll need for dinner that night.

Even holidays just aren't the same unless there's one of his custom made ornaments hanging on the tree where the rest of the Rice kids have theirs sprawled out. And what would Christmas even be if his stocking wasn't hung up on the mantel as well along the others?

So did Laura see this coming? Well that's hard to answer. Because with his heart of gold and undeniable charm, Sean Lew was certainly destined to win the hearts of a lucky girl and her family. Little did Laura know it was her family that'd be blessed.

sean & kaycee one-shotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin