sworn enemies

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thank you all so much for 17k+ reads on this book it means more than you all will ever know, hope you all enjoy this one <3
Sean Lew and Josh Price. A dynamic duo. The best of friends. Brothers.

There was nothing the two wouldn't do for the other. They were each other's ride or die. If one asked, the other answered. No request was ever out of reach, they would do anything for their bro—

"No, absolutely not. Josh, I'm not doing that I can't believe you thought that would even work."

"Come one bro, I though we did anything for each other? Why can't you do this little thing for me?"

"Little thing? You're asking me to spend the day planning your surprise proposal for Tahani with her best friend aka the devil herself and then proceed to go on some little 'fake date' with her so we can record the proposal?"

Josh rolled his eyes, that girl really made his best friend act like an entirely different person, "Stop being so dramatic, Kaycee is the sweetest person I know. Plus, you two were best friends for most of your life I don't know why you two suddenly fell out of that."

"Wow," Sean watched, eyes wide in shock and offense, "you know, I take offense to that. You think that she-devil is nicer than me? I thought we were brothers?"

"Exactly," Josh stressed, "we are brothers and brothers would help each other plan out a marriage proposal. Please Sean you know how important this is and Tahani deserves the best of the best."

Sean couldn't bear to see his best friend beg for his help, he guess he can suck it up and help him, even if it did involve his sworn enemy.

"So what's the full plan, I need all the details here," he asked reluctantly to which Josh jumped up and tackled him happily and began sharing his entire plan.


Sean couldn't believe where he was.

Sitting in his car waiting for the bane of his existence to pick up her pace and help him plan out their best friend's proposal.

His head turned toward the familiar house he spent a lot of his childhood in when he heard the loud slam of the door and out walked his former best friend. Her face telling him that she was just as upset about being stuck together as he was.

It's for Josh he thought.

He watched as she waved goodbye to her neighbor, a soft smile resting on her lips as the sun reflected off of her. The lighting was working in her favor because Sean could've sworn the girl was glowing. Her smile looking even more radiant than ever, the shine in her hair as he watched her soft curls bounce with every step she too—

Wait what. Cut that out Sean you're not supposed to fraternize with the enemy.

Pulling the door open and Sean out of his thoughts, Kaycee plopped down onto the passenger seat with a sigh. Sean pointed with confusion at the small duffel bag sitting on her lap.

"What? Josh didn't trust you to bring the camera supplies so he left them with me." she said smugly, making him roll his eyes.

"Let's just get this all over with so I don't need to breathe the same air as you," he said putting his car in drive and heading toward Disneyland where his best friend was currently stressing.


The pair sighed in relief when the welcome sign of the amusement park was in sight.

Their hour long car ride was full of moments of awkward silence and bickering over which rides they'd go on while they waited to for Josh's directions.

sean & kaycee one-shotsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant