bestest of friends

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honestly didn't think i would ever be back but here i am. i couldn't help it sean's birthday post to kaycee made me miss them. i also updated my book "trying to save us" if any of you are still around and want to read some angst. i made it my goal to finish writing it so i promise you'll get closure for that book.

as always, i hope you enjoy <3


Kaycee was proud of her best friend for getting back into acting and managing to score a role on a Fox production.

She truly could not have been anymore excited for him to have this chapter in life. Watching as his face lit up via facetime, every time he got the green light to give her brief recaps of moments on set or life updates after living in New Mexico for a few weeks was everything to her.

His excitement for his new project was well worth having to be away from her best friend for a few months.

She really had no complaints about this new journey in his life. She couldn't wait to see what all his hard work created.

Well.... maybe she had one complaint.

The show's pilot had been filmed months prior, so what she doesn't understand is why the remainder of the show has to film now.

During the fall.

Landing perfectly on their birthday months.

Okay, so she does understand why they couldn't have filmed the entire series at the same time they filmed the pilot episode. With anything in the entertainment industry, there always a thousand things that need to be done before the start of a new project. There were all of the logistics like how the production company had to wait for the show to get picked up or finish casting the best people for every role. So on and so forth.

She gets it, she really does.

Except she doesn't.

She simply doesn't see why fate worked this way. Why they would have to be apart on their big days.

It's not as if they've never spent their birthdays apart, of course they have. It's just that she didn't want to spend their birthdays apart.

With being in quarantine for months and then only surrounding herself with those closest to her for the past year and a half. The pair had grown closer. Far closer than anyone could have imagined them becoming.

Like seriously, impossibly closer.

But they were still best friends who often treaded the line of something more.

But the bestest of friends nonetheless.

Friends who shared blankets when sleeping over at each other's places. Friends who would pick one another up and just drive around aimlessly, no destination needed as all they needed was each other's company. Friends who send the other their flight information so they can track their entire flight. Friends who go out to eat together, just the two of them, but don't call them "dates". Friends who facetime until one of them falls asleep.

You know just friends.

And really all she wanted to do on her 19th birthday was to be with her friend(s).

It was bad enough that Bailey was out of the country, Jenna was busy with a job, and now her best friend, too, was stuck filming his big gig.

She supposed her family will just have to do. Don't get her wrong she loves them dearly, but with everyone being so booked and busy, it's rare that her entire friend group were available at the same time. She wanted this one day to be spent with them.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2021 ⏰

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