Familiar? part 2

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"This day was confusing enough with certain classes but now this shit....what the fuck have I agreed to.." (Y/N) though to himself.

~A Moment Or So Before hand~

"When I heard they were gonna compete I thought it would be some epic battle or a quicker test of wit to prove who is better not a fucking tennis game" (Y/N) scowled slightly as he watched the game slowly begin. Showing his extended annoyance with a groan.

Meanwhile a certain brunette "HEHE- HELL YEAH THIS IS LIKE SEEING THE GRAND CANYON BUT 20 TIMES BETTER!" he shouted accompanied by his two perverted friends Matsuda and Motohama.

"Talk about g-strings and titty slings my brothers! We are so lucky to be alive right now!" Matsuda screamed. Incurring your wrath slightly but not enough to make an outburst.

Motohama readjusted his glasses slightly as an erotic look crossed his face "certainly gonna hold on to this mental image for later experimentation." This pushed further but once more not enough to cause a scene at least not until...

"One point for Sona and Tsubaki!" Shouted one of the onlookers as they managed to get a point.

"Haha! Suck it (L/N)! You too Hyoudo!" Shouted Saji from atop The fenced area.

"WHAT THE HELL DID I DO TO PISS YOU OFF!?" shouted Issei. Saji seemed deep in though for a moment till-

"HOW BOUT YOU HOP DOWN HERE YA FUCKING PANSY! I'LL KICK YER DAMN TEETH IN SO HARD YOU'LL NEED SOME DENTURES!" as you shouted many scooted away until you looked around and finally cleared your throat "fucking bitch..." Many kept there distance but calmed down slightly

"Dude why did you shout and make a scene like that" Kiba asked.

"Cause people excluding you, Koneko, Asia and a few select others in our group are assholes" (Y/N) simply replied as he turned his head to watch the match once more.

Time skip brought to you by Chibi Asia asleep with (Y/N)

After a while once the game was finished in a manner of speaking all retreated back to the occult research club room.

"Well it looks like we end on a tie for now" said Koneko holding up the broken rackets. Everyone let out a small sigh of annoyance.

"Those four don't have much chill do they" said (Y/N) scratching his chin.

"Pot calling the kettle black" Asia said with a small laugh. As she did so she patted you back a bit.

"Ah! Well I uh-! Well you-! I-!" You stuttered to say anything snarky back in fear of hurting her feelings.

"But in a way you are also very kind and your determined spirit is part of why I..." Asia began and slightly trailed off catching your interest very easily hoping for her next words to be what you hope they are.

As your heart was beating a million times per minute waiting on those three little words until.

"After a bit of talking we decided on a second game to decide who shall go. Tommorow after school our groups shall give it all or nothing in a game of dodgeball." Rias boomed as she entered the room. Throwing oneself completely off guard and causing such small gibberish noises to escape in fear.

"Did I interrupt something" questioned Rias. As she looked among the members in the room.

"Nothing much it just seemed like those two were about to confess their love for one and other" said Koneko pointing to you and Asia causing you both to blush a deep beet red.

"Oh I'm sorry if I would have known that I would have snuck in and kept quiet, I can't promise that Akeno wouldn't have teased though" Rias said as she looked to Akeno at her side.

Twilight Wings (Asia x Male Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن