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A few days after the rest and reprieve you received at Issei's you were up and moving with ease again. You were surprised how quickly your body recovered it's stamina. In all truth everyone was.

For a bit everything seemed calm. Your attackers remained under the radar, and hadn't made a move since. It frightened you a bit but for now all you could do was be prepared. One day as you sat in the occult room with Asia sleeping on your chest, you held her close, planting small kisses here and there.

Soon a knock came to the door. Rias allowed for whom ever it was to enter the room.

It was two girls. Both wearing ratty robes, one with a katana to her side and the other with a weapon wrapped in bandages. These weapons had the same aura as the blade freed attacked you with, with this feeling you now remained on high alert. Asia sensed this and slowly woke up she looked to the two girls and seemed afraid for what might happen next.

As everyone settled the two sat down, you learned their names, the one with the bubbly personality whom you were starting to like was Irina Shido, turns out her and Issei were childhood friends. The best part was him finding out she was actually a women when he though she was a boy so long ago. You would've laughed except...

The other one whom you were beginning to have a strong hate for, she was rude and kept giving Asia dirty looks, her name was Xenovia Quarta.

Xenovia started "we have been assigned to this area to hunt down a rouge priest whom we believe stole fragments of-" she was soon cut off by you.

"Excalibur am I right? Yeah I fought Freed the other day, well more like I was ambushed by a group but regardless he was there. Showed the blade and everything." You unbuttoned your shirt opening it to reveal your chest, showing the slash scar from that day.

"Whoa you must be strong, to take a cut from that and manage to survive" came Irina's excited voice, you smiled.

"Thanks for the compliment but truly if it weren't for Issei finding me I'd be dead as a doornail" you said, buttoning your shirt back up.

Xenovia continued "which is precisely why we'd like to ask you all not to get involved further. This is church business and we'd like it to stay that way"

Everyone seemed a bit off by this, regardless Rias agreed to their terms.

"We'd rather not involve ourself with such a predicament after all my brother's rooke was nearly slain due to such and altercation" she said, it caught the girl off guard but she was happy this was an amicable result. As they prepared to leave, Xenovia turned back her gaze locked to Asia.

"You're Asia Argento are you not? You were excommunicated for healing a devil, and have now become one yourself. If you wish I could slay you here and now, after all if I did so-" she was cut off not by words this time by but you standing and your aura wildly flaring up.

"Continue that fucking sentence I dare you, it'll be the last thing you ever do" your voice changed as your anger spiked, your left arm began to change to the darker and denser metal from your fight with Riser, as the finger tips turned to claws. The metal continued to spread, even as Asia did her best to rein you in. Her voice was falling upon deaf ears. The room became heavy due to your aura, your eyes becoming their dull white.

"Partner control yourself! I know you're angry believe me I do, but let to much slip with that power as unstable as it is after your first use and it'll be the end of you as a person!" The dragon within called, you growled lightly before restraining yourself. Heeding the dragon's warning you dialed down. The metal stopped it's spread for now and was slowly evaporating away. Asia's voice finally reached you as you took a deep breath.

Twilight Wings (Asia x Male Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ