Hellish Party

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Within seconds the battle had recanted to war, the two of you fighting shaking everything nearby apart. As his blade came down you used both hands to stop it holding it up. After a moment of being locked in a power struggle with a hard push you threw the blade to the side as it struck the floor you swung a hard hit to the gut, with the force you could feel his body having come of the ground by and inch. Taking a moment to step back both of you take a breath as a smirk grew across your face.

"That may not have done alot of damage but damn did it feel good." taking a moment to admire your handiwork

A laugh coming from your aggressor as he retook his stance "I must say you've certainly improved since last time"

"Well last time you and your little giggle troop got the drop on me, speaking of which I see Freed is here where's the old crow Kokabiel, was he too afraid I'd wipe that egotistical smile off his face, also who's the old timer you got watching us" you asked settling into your new form feeling a fight for control take place in your mind. A fight between the berserk rage and your own will to keep fighting this yourself.

"None of your concern, but if you must know that is Valper Galilei, the man who ran the holy sword project. Sad to say he failed but is of course doing what he can now to assist the fallen angels after being excommunicated for his work." His voice was cold here, did he like the old timer or despise him. He both gave some praise to his work yet also sounded as if he had a distaste for it.

No time to think in moments he was rushing you one more, blade first. With a bear of your wings you took to the skies, hearing a funny of rage from him he unfurled a pair of fallen wings like your own and followed you, leaving the Brutus blade below. Opting to fight you bare handed, how bold of him.

A flurry of blows between the two of you seemingly trading of. You using your bare fists and a few clawed attacks here and there in order to attempt a bleed out, it seemed though your opponent was staying one step ahead of you though. Dodging in and out, countering you when you were open. The rage building.

As it would appear with each hit landed against you, the battle for you to stay in control of your wrath was being lost, fuel for the fireone would say.

Being knocked back you let of a growl of sorts before rushing in with an open palm, creating a gray ball of flame in your hand. Making it grow to the size of a bowling ball before firing off the gray blast, a large beam coming from it being blocked by you opponent. He laughed as smoke rose from his body. Seemingly amused. What he found so funny confused you since you found nothing here funny at all.

"I must say little by little you're impressing me more kid, keep it up and this may be fun for me" His tone agitated you beyond belief and the smirk on his face was begging to be rearranged you were thinking. Letting out a roar charging him once more.


"Man those two are really going at it, can't blame the little prick though, that guys grinds my gears too, but alas you cant be picky with coworkers when it comes to finishing a job" Freed said as he took a hop away from Kiba whom he was busy with at the moment. For a man fighting many people at once he was holding his ground.

Kiba breathing heavily much like you rage boiling his blood being against holy sword and being near Valper the man who caused so much tragedy and sorrow in his life. He wanted to end him and the Excaliburs here.

While Kiba was catching his breath Irina and Xenovia charged in at Freed causing him to hop back in anattempt to dodge before the unexpected member of the troupe Saji used his sacred gear to hold down his leg.

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