Almost home

250 4 2

Day 4
7:38 PM

Running through the forest before hand on your own was creepy and hard to navigate it, but now. Having your cloned ancestor lead you around, and allowing you to follow her to the greaves made life a little easier.

"So this little Argento women, you've fallen for her quite hard haven't you? I can tell, when I tried to use your greed and lust against you, you seemed angered at how I mimicked her form. What made you fall for her most?" Asked your ancestor as she was running leading the way out.

"I guess I'd have to say her cute smile had me ensnared since the start. From there her blonde hair that would shine in the sun, not to mention I could almost lose myself in her eyes. She calms my rage when I can't myself....and her lips taste like raspberries...which are my favorite kind of berry" you said blushing near the end fearing you had said to much, causing you ancestor to laugh.

"You humans are funny the way you confess you emotions sometimes. You can be spontaneous and collected or all over the place such as yourself, but it is nice to know pure hearts like yours still exist." She said with a large smile soon stopping as you came to the base of the mountain.

"The base of the mountain! We're so close arms are pulsing from the magic aura radiating from the top." As you looked to your arms the Brutus vambraces revealed themselves.

"Your power is clashing with that of the greaves, so that when you go to pair with them, it won't feel foreign to you." Said your ancestor.

" know I been meaning to ask since you revealed who you were. What is your name? I haven't even asked and it is killing me not knowing since you are helping me." You asked her as she once more began leading the way for you. She seemed to jump in surprise at this but smiled and answered.

"The one I was replicated after was called Arekuruu Hana. But you can call me Kuruu." She said as her smile beamed even more.

"Arekuruu Hana...huh pretty name..thanks for this..I probably would have ended up lost or worse off in there without your help ya know." You said following Kuruu. A smile growing on your face knowing that by this time tommorow you'd be home.

As Kuruu lead you a slight frown built as she heard Brutus speak within her mind scape.

"While you may not like it, and believe in him as I do it is the ritual that we must follow through with, once he gets the greaves I shall emerge and do battle with him as to prove he is ready for this. If he fails and dies his vambraces will be taken and scattered to another reincarnation. And the greaves shall remain here as they have before. I am sorry Hana I truly am. But if you have hope in him as do I then I am positive that he shall prevail." Said the dragon to Kuruu in her mind scape her smile seemed to disappear. She hated that this was the fate of most who came here. But she couldn't argue with the one who made her, while she was only a replica made by him, she couldn't bring herself to go against him.

"This time tommorow Asia, I'll be holding you in my arms again, I'll be stronger than ever to!" An excite shout escaped you. You hae sped up to your fastest sprint causing your ancestor to speed up as well.

"W-Wait a minute slow down!" She yelled as she caught up to be in front to lead you.

~Meanwhile back at the Gremory retreat/training house~

Rias stood with the group as each member trained individually raising their latent powers within.

"Issei work on your form, a broken stance can lead to an easy loss, especially against seasoned opponents who will seize the chance to take you down." Said the red headed king as she watched her pawn try and fix his stance as he sparred with Koneko.

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