To be of Rage and Domination

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As you felt the power surge from within you after Issei's final gamble to push some extra power onto you, Riser laughed mocking the red dragon.

"I wouldn't be laughing if I were you" came your cold bone chilling voice, one that displays true anger and readiness to battle without restraint or hesitation.

"Why should Riser hardly be afraid of you. I am a phoenix nobleman, the flame of the immortal bird burns within me." He said preparing himself for more combat.

"Your clans noble blood won't mean shit, especially once I'm done with you, they'll be scraping you off the ground and power washing the stains away for weeks" came you voice of ice once more. Even with the flames of a so called immortal bird he felt his blood turn cold at your tone.

Fear struck into his heart and for a moment, the immortal believed he saw the grim reaper. As your once grey dragon wing now had a red shimmer to it. The Brutus gear now beholding a red-gray metal on your arms. A power both beholding the wrath of a dragon and the overwhelming feeling of domination towering over him. Then like a wolf hunting it's prey, you advanced quickly and swiftly. Once close you had came crashing down with a clawed hand slicing into his shoulder, soon axe kicking him into the air. The surprise of his face, told all to well his new fear.

As his body rocketed up his healing began to pick up until your loud wing beats signalled another incoming attack slamming your fist upon his chest, pushing further in to pierce his body all the way through making a large hole into his chest. Riser taking this opportunity to strike, planted a firm boot into your stomach. As instinct you had leapt away to avoid further damage holding your gut as you did so. Standing straight watching his healing slowly fixing his body due to his wear and tear his healing has slowed severely. His breathing heavy, showing a sign that he was using more energy than he had, his body can't keep up much longer.

"Riser, give up with your honor intact, your pride will decline but that is for the better. You've lost continuing is foolish on your part. Not even your healing is responding too quickly anymore. I still have energy to spare, and my body is holding together far better even with a regeneration ability... You've lost. Now face it like a man" you told him spiking up in power to add more to your point. He couldn't match you anymore. He knew this.

"I....I..." came Riser's hesitant voice, no doubt considering your words. Knowing the truth of his situation. He acknowledged your point, he truly couldn't fight much longer.

Everyone watched with amazement at the fear in the immortal man. It was layed clear, his body was immortal but his mind was far from it. You break the spirit of anyone and sure enough they'll crumble no matter their ability or strength.

"Speak up I can't hear you over there. Shout it out." You told him slowly letting your body relax. He was finished.

"I, Riser Phoenix...resign..You, the gray dragon emperor have bested me in combat, therefore I shall leave Rias Gremory to live her life as she sees fit." Said Riser, admitting his defeat. In reaction you smiled and hovered to him.

"I enjoyed our battle. Let's fight again someday tough guy." You said as your voice returned to normal, causing Riser to lift his head to see not a draconic face but your normal look, beaten and bruised as it may be.

He smirked and laughed till he disappeared with his parting words "I'd like that wrath. I'd enjoy a second chance to best you in battle."

Shaking your head smiling more hearing the fateful words.

"Riser Phoenix Resigns, Rias Gremory is the Victor of today's battle." Came Sona's voice, announcing the teams victory.

You slowly made your way to Rias and Asia. As your transformation began to wither away. Leaving you in your base Brutus gear form.

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