The Phoenix and The Dragons

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With in the few days that came to pass, alot has happened during that time. Issei trained harder than ever after your fight with him. Said he felt something different when he fought with you and it inspired him. Not to mention Rias told you both to your face, that you and him would be key factors in this battle.

He seemed heavily motivated after that. You knew how he felt about her after overhearing a convo between them the night before. How he didn't care who she was, he liked her for her. Not because of some title and namesake. He has some guts that is for certain but guts won't be enough in this battle. This was war. Riser wanted to rub that in, he wants Rias and he would do anything even beating her and all she loved, if he had to. It made you sick to your stomach and only fueled later wrath to be used. A simple look over of your gear to make sure you were ready, the outfit ruined at the summit of Fuji repaired. Smirking you relaxed as Asia placed herself next to you wearing her old nun uniform again, adding to her ultimate cuteness.

"Are you all ready to go, the rating game will soon begin." Said Grayfia, as she entered. Rias looked over her team then back to the maid outfitted women, giving a simple nod of confirmation.

"You all know the plan do all you can to fullfil your duties. Oh and Issei before you take off stay behind for a bit" said the buxom red haired princess. Issei was confused but he rolled with it figuring she'd tell him something important.

10 minutes later

The plan involved Issei and Koneko the secure the gym, kiba would set up defenses around the base. Akeno lastly would be in her own taking down as many as possible, tanking her way through the field, like you wished to. Your job was the last line of defense. If it all went South, and Riser launched an attack on base you were to go ballistic and beat your way through all his team till reaching him. Till then you'd chill and conserve your strength. Plus side was since Asia was a healer and by far no such a combatant she was to stay with Rias too, so in turn you'd be there to protect her should things go to shit.

"Oi Brutus I know you can hear me in there, I need a question answered." You called out to your dragon as he responded.

"What is it you ask of me child? We have little time for a game of twenty-one questions." Boomed the dragon. He was right you needed to keep focus best to ask it and let it go once you've been answered.

"Issei has the whole thing with his boost ability to get stronger over the tide of battle, we got anything special like that or no? Honestly knowing we have a fortify ability would be very helpful." You asked looking around keeping your eye out. "After all boss lady just unleashed more of his power...I don't want to fall behind him" you whispered for only him to hear.

The dragon was silent for a moment. It irked you but it seemed as though he was recalling something.

"We do.... And yet we don't. Your rage is your fortifier, control it and you're golden. But we do have something to guard ourselves better, your pure natural strength is nearly an endless well once contained yet, sacrifice that well and in return we gain the power to take a hit from God or even Satan himself should the occasion arise. Just be careful, it is easy to switch back and forth from using physical strength and then your defense to protect yourself but it drains your stamina, use it to much and your body will fall like a house of cards" the dragon warned you. It was good to know you had such an ability.

As the conversation finished you heard them announce that many of Riser's team had fallen. You cheered a little as did Asia. You relaxed and sat back trying to keep your brain focused but body relaxed.

Little did you know there say that would play out....

Soon within the hour you heard the announcements ring off, one after another.

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