Different If Only

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It was dark. For a moment everything seemed to only darken as a few images passed through ones mind. And a few words that echoed through out your mind.

"(Y/N) live your life as you please, not by orders given to you by some high up being. My son I believe you can and will do great things in your life time so just do your best and live on alright kiddo" a voice echoed in the far reaches of ones mind.

"I..will father..I promise" were the words that left your mouth as your eyes opened once more to an unfamiliar room and voices ceasing as you awoke.

"Oh good you are alright, count yourself lucky if not for Issei begging we wouldn't have taken you in and tended to your wounds, Akeno isn't the best at healing but she can still do it sadly you'll have a nasty scar where the light spear hit your heart" said a woman with red hair and blue-green eyes. She looked familiar for certain but one couldn't quite place a finger on it.

"This is...the occult research club room is it not? Well I thank you all for your help. And Issei I see you over there, where's Asia?" You asked with a smile hoping he was able to hold his own at least against one person. Only for him to stay silent and avert your gaze. Answering your question in full. The next move was to get up and make your way to the damned church.

"Whoa, where are you going in such a rush, your wounds have barely had time to heal an-" Iseei began but was cut off by Rias.

"Issei, let him do as he wishes, his life is his choice to give it and lose it as he sees fit" the red haired woman said, emphasising the "lose it" part of that sentence. It stung slightly to hear it but your goal was set and nothing was stopping you.

"I appreciate the healing but as you said my life is my own, so if I die here so be it at the very least I'll take a few of those bastards down with me after saving Asia." You said as you walked out the door.

Time skip brought to you by a chibi occult research club members.

It was night time once you finally reached your destination. The sun had just set on the horizon, and the dark of night had befallen the area. The church at this time looked much more menacing due to this.

A quick sigh was let go of and with a push the doors opened with ease. The air felt heavy, hard to breath, and toxic, breathable, but terrible. As a pair of footsteps could be heard down the corridor, followed by a voice.

"Well look what the shit rat dragged in! Must say I never thought we'd meet again" the voice said coldly with an insane laugh to top it off. Being you the only response was summoning forth your sacred gear.

"Outta my way, I'm going through and you can either stay in my way and perish, or move aside you demonized priest!" The anger boiling over as every muscle was readying to leap or lunge into action. Within a few moments it happened, Freed gave way to the first strike swinging with his blade downward for a lunging strike to be blocked with your metal glove.

"Unlike before I'm in control now, this power is my own, now as I said earlier...move out of my way or perish priest!" He seemed intimidated if only just slightly.

Intimidation didn't stop him for long though, he quickly switched whipping out his holy pistol and quickly firing 4 shots at you, they hurt. Even so it didn't phase you, that anger pushing all of the pain away and in it's place adrenaline.

Quickly to retaliate you slammed your fist into his gut sending him back a few feet then quickly chasing him down to clothesline slam him. While successful his blade had found it's way through your shoulder, but just like the bullets nothing was felt. Quickly Freed turned and slashed his blade out ward as to cut open your shoulder and kicked you off.

"What the shit are you made of kid, I mean damn you've taken four bullets to the gut, a slash and stab in the shoulder from holy weapons and still find yourself kicking and screaming" Freed said ending off with his sinister laugh. He stared at you and smirked knowing that he only had to wait out the adrenaline burst you had, and from there a slow death from his blade would follow.

"I am who I am, but hear me priest I will destroy what you stand for. You and this entire group will fall before my hand so I would pray to that God of yours before going to hell asshole!" The scream echoed in the church. Those downstairs performing the ritual could hear it. Raynare smirked as she realized what was to come, knowing she needed only a moment longer to extract the sacred gear.

With this fight dragging on your body was slowing down, reaction speed dropping, it was only a matter of time and Freed knew it, a wide smirk grew across his face.

"Just a little more and you'll give out! What was that about having your power under control! Ha! Yeah right, your magic has been leaking out of you since you've started!" He laughed callously at this and aimed his gun at you. "Tell me slow or quick which shall it be"

"I asked your mother that last night and let me tell you, in for a penny in for a pounding" your voice falling in and out of depth, due to your form falling in and out of strength as the wear and tear on your body was showing now. This only seemed to humor him more. Especially due to a few devil's joining your side.

"(Y/N) we're here, and not a second to late it seems" a voice said at your side. When you looked to the side you were met by Issei's gaze looking over your wounds.

"I'm fine...nothing I can't stand through, I've been through worse and walked away" as you said this it was finished with a cough of blood to finish it. It was obvious your form wouldn't last much longer.

"You should rest, your body is still not used to this power output." A blonde boy next to Issei said as he looked over.

"True that, let us handle this guy while you recover..." A short white haired girl said on your other side.

"Like hell I'm gonna stand by! I'm not leaving without Asia Argento, until she leaves here with me I ain't gonna take a moment to rest!" After that your power spiked back up, but this wouldn't last long. It was a quick burst at best.

"Fine then let us handle sir douche nozzle here and you go on ahead!" Issei suggested which you happily accepted and moved forward with your plan to save Asia once they had Freed's attention.

Making it to the basement one set of words left your mouth. "Raynare where are you! You traitor! I'll kill every last one of your little cult" Raynare smirked upon your arrival figuring you wouldn't take long.

"My my my (Y/N) when I took Asia from you I didn't get a good look at you but I must say you look like you've lost weight, almost nothing but bone left on you" she said coldly as she continued her ritual in taking Asia's sacred gear.

With in a second you were running through the crowd taking down members like no tommorow. "Get outta my way cannon fodder!" With a bellowing scream, more like roar, one by one they fell with ease. Until once more your own power held you back. Allowing a handful of the members to stab at you with there weapons.

It took mere moments for the pain to sting through to your core. Death wasn't a concern here, saving Asia was your mission no matter the cost. It only was a matter of time.

"I must say I applaud you for getting this far but this is the end of the road for you, and for dear Asia so sit back and relax" Raynare said as the ritual was finally completed and life began to slowly leave Asia and a rage entering you...

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