Quelling the Beast

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I don't plan to hold you here long just want to wish you all a great day and hope y'all enjoy the read without further Ado let's get the show on the road!

Also FYI there will be a Lemon this chapter so when ya see the bold that's the warning if ya want to skip just head to the next bold text and you'll be good and won't miss a thing plot wise.


As you stood shoulder to shoulder with Issei, you looked at Rias a more worried look than anything for her Favorite servant, meanwhile SirZechs seemed as though he was about to grill you. Rias started, it seemed as though they planned this.

"Do you two have any idea what you've done. If not for our abilities and constant eye on everything you would've revealed the supernatural world. Both of you were extremely reckless tonight, above all else I never thought you would do anything like this Issei." A hint of disappointment was in Rias's voice near the end there, and it seemed to sting the brunette hard. It felt only right to step in here.

"Hey look he's not at fault here, I'm the one to blame." You said hoping to shift their combined focus off of Issei. This was your fault, you could at least acknowledge that as unhinged as you were right now.

"You need not concern yourself with Issei's situation (Y/N), after all Rias isn't your designated King" came SirZechs voice. It was scary the kinda weight it held, locking eyes with him you could see a hint of red glowing within his own, with his words you almost felt chained down.

"(Y/N) what you did tonight was unacceptable. As your king it is my duty to punish you for such behavior. Just as it is Rias's duty to punish Issei." He said approaching you slowly. Your body began to tingle, the feeling of dreadful danger approaching. Would he kill you? Or would he simply just beat you down? Maybe he'd commit to an action that'd leave a scar across your body? So many thoughts raced through your mind. Even Issei held a tad bit of worry. To which Rias put up a barrier so he wouldn't be able to view what was to happen.

Issei immediately gulped "what's he going to do to him?" He asked.

"Don't worry about it Issei, whatever happens will shape who he becomes, and my brother knows this, whatever he does, he'll make sure that his message gets across." She said not entirely sure herself what he'd do, but knowing how alike the two were it'd be quite similar.

On the other side of the barrier SirZechs had come within arms length of you. His aura nearly overwhelming. How much magic power did he have hidden away.

The voice returned.

"Strike him! Retaliate! Do anything it takes to survive! He'll kill us!" It shouted out in your mind, yet before you could react.

You felt a hand atop your head. Looking up quickly you saw a light smile on your masters face. Your confusion now replacing your dread.

"What the...I thought you were..." Came your words of confusion. Truly baffled by his actions.

"You thought I was going to raise a hand to you. Don't worry the Gremory clan are known for treating those with us like family. I wouldn't dare imagine raising a hand to anyone in my family." He said a kind smile as he removed his hand from your head and placed it upon your shoulder.

You nodded to what he said, the voice echoing again in your head, but thanks to knowing you weren't in danger you shook it off.

"Your mind is troubled it seems, I could help you all you need to do is ask and I'll do what I can." He said, it was strange knowing he genuinely cared. It was nice though and thanks to having been able to calm down a good bit the yellow glow faded from your eyes.

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