Hell's Greatest Rooke

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Within a blast of light and large gust of wind, something new had emerged within this battle. Yubellena believing she had done her job, smirked, pleased with herself. At least until to her, the overwhelming feeling of dread followed from the aura she and everyone else nearby picked up on.

Ever Riser had ceased his fight with Issei to see what this terrifying power was.

"You know, striking an enemy when their back is turned is a good tactic and all...but by all means...ITS THE MOST DISHONORABLE THING TO DO IN BATTLE!" came the enraged shout from you, a gray blast of flame soon to follow, enveloping the queen of explosions.

"Riser's Queen..R-Retired." came the announcement from a surprised Sona.

As the smoke cleared you were revealed holding Asia to your chest, her eyes closed since she was afraid of what happened but slowly she opened them seeing you, but in a much different form.

Your dark steel became a much denser and harder metal, and was fully repaired from it's earlier battle damage, a single wing jutting out from your back. To accompany those features, your body seemed to have gained more muscle making you taller and have a heavier build. The once glowing eyes were now just a dull angry white. The metal of the arms seemed almost like scales and your finger tips had pointed into long claws.

"Issei, step down and rest, the remainder of this battle...will be ended by me!" You proclaimed with a booming voice. All surprised, including Riser.

"What is that form...it is certainly incomplete That much Riser can tell...but at the moment it might be just what we needed in this final push" said Rias as she examined your new form.

You slowly placed Asia down with a kiss on her forehead. As soon as she was safe you had bursted towards Riser within a second, making up for the missing wing with your fallen angel wing. Ramming your now clawed hand through Riser's stomach. Going straight through him.

"Give up, and leave here with your honor and pride while they are still intact, don't and I'll break you like a damn tooth pick." You said while holding him there the look of momentary fear that crossed his face at your sudden increase was something unforgettable. Yet even so, he wouldn't give up, for how much he wanted Rias. His lust had beaten out his fear of your sudden transformation and soon the cocky attitude returned.

"Boy, do you honestly believe the great Riser would run just because you simply changed your appearance, you must have lost in brainpower what you gained in strength." He proclaimed getting himself free from your grasp and jumping back as his healing slowly kicked in.

"You're outmatched Riser, you have grown weak during this fight, your healing is slowing down as we speak, but if you wish to battle then have it your way, I stop pulling my punches here. Now you face Hell's Greatest Rooke!" You shouted dashing at him, once within range you threw a hard punch at Riser, narrowly avoiding it at best until using your positioning to use your wing to sweep his leg knocking him down.

After hitting the ground Riser felt a hand around his throat, a firm grip holding it, soon dragging him across the roof throwing him off the edge at the end. As he was launched he looked at you recovering mid-air. A growl of anger and hate leaving his gritted teeth.

As his eyes met yours, you immediately dashed towards him. The speed of your wings beats propelling you faster each second.

"Oi Brutus, time for that move you mentioned earlier! I wanna take this guy down!" You shouted to your dragon, almost soon after Brutus' voice had shouted out.

"Draconic fortification!"
((Yes I know, not very creative, but hell sometimes the most simple names are the best))

You could feel your body harden, almost like a shell being added on to your metal body. As Riser prepared an attack to send at you he glared at you focusing more power through grit teeth. He threw a large concentrated ball of hellfire towards you, exploding upon impact. As the smoke cleared you had dashed through seemingly unfazed by the flames. All witness could no longer imagine your capabilities within this form.

As you made it to Riser a strong tackle brought him to the ground soon using the momentum to whip his body a fair distance away. As he was beginning to recover you charged a gray orb till it was the size of your hand. A gray flame surrounding it.

"Try this on for size asshole! Yet again they say one size fits all with a blast like this!" As you shouted this, quickly within a fluid motion you fired off destroying anything the beam managed to hit, Riser narrowly avoiding it dropping a vile as well.

As you prepared for his assault once more, he seemed oddly faster this time. It didn't worry you to much. Clashing as you met him mid air a flurry of punches and kicks flew between the both of you making loud booming air waves, soon backing off to gain some ground.

"Riser is still unimpressed boy...all you've done this whole time has been for naught, just surrender while the opportunity affords itself. After all you would rather live to see a future with that little nun would you not." He asked creating a fireball. A rather large one as well, realizing where this plan led your eyes quickly looked over to see Issei, Rias and Asia trying to sneak away. Sadly they were noticed, as Riser threw the fireball, you dashed to intercept sadly not making it in time hearing a loud boom.

Soon followed by a saddened shout from Rias.

As you arrived to the smoke clearing, Issei barely standing like a shield for the girls. His body burnt and bruised, clothing torn up, burnt and dirtier than all hell.

"S-Sorry... couldn't let you h-hog all the glory man.." he soon fell, only to be caught by you. He may have been a perv, but he took a huge risk and sacrificed himself for Rias and Asia's sake. Your rage begining to boil up once more.

"He-Hey do me a favor...kick this D-Bags ass for me will ya (Y/N)..I can help a little but with the little strength I have I'm not sure what it will do...but please..win" he slowly rose his hand up for you to grab it, and as you did a loud voice boomed across the field.

"TRANSFER!" came Ddraig's booming voice as you felt Issei's remaining power become one with yours. For such a so called small amount you could feel the surge of strength in your veins causing you to scream out as Issei dispersed.

"Rias Gremory's Pawn.....Retired" came the voice of Sona in a sad tone.


So this chapter would have been a tinge longer, but I decided this was a good way to end this part.

Please do reach out if you feel this chapter was lacking anywhere, since it is a relatively shorter chapter than usual.

But anywho see y'all next chapter!


Twilight Wings (Asia x Male Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora