Roomates (Mini)

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After yesterday you find yourself waking up early at the crack of dawn. Yawning and cracking your neck, slowly but surely rising from your bed. Followed by getting dressed in a track suit and walking outside and locking your front door.

"5:00 AM workout time starting....Now!" You say quickly taking off in a Sprint. Holding this steady speed for a good 15 minutes. Once you had stopped you were at the park and slowly ran over to a flat spot.

"Rack off 200 then 100 pull ups from there I'll run for another 20 mins then jog home from there shower and eat something small." And then you followed through going on to 200 hundred push ups first but as you neared the twenty minute mark at 156 done you heard two familiar voices.

"Come on now Issei you run like a girl!" You heard Rias yell to the young perv. As you looked up you saw Rias biking ahead as Issei ran behind her. It made you laugh as you watched and soon you returned to your workout. As the two rounded the corner they stopped and walked near you.

"(Y/N)? What's up, why are you out here? Morning workout or something." Asked Issei. By the look of him he was worn out from just light jogging. You shook your head but smiled.

"Yes it is a workout I'm starting up ever since my talk with SirZechs about the Brutus gear I decided training would be a great idea also Issei, rule number 1 is cardio" you said continuing on to the 189th push up.


"Your Brutus gear is strong (Y/N), enough to where even the red dragon would have trouble against you if he were at Max power" said Sirzechs

"Ok...what's the catch, nothing powerful ever comes without some kinda catch." You said looking to him.

"The Brutus gear is strong but it can't raise to full power unless the user can withstand that surge and loss. Not to mention yours is just a fragment." The leader class said. Eyeing his sister then returning his gaze to you.

"The Brutus gear has 4 separate parts. The vambraces or gauntlets which you hold, the blade which is rumored to be floating around Japan somewhere, the greaves which are located at Mount Fuji, and finally the chest plate which I believe is in America." Said Rias as she looked to your arms. Then to Issei.

"When the pieces come together you'll be able to output way more power as you collect them. You'll become an all out tank for lack of better words. The true Brutus dragon." Sirzechs said. Dumbfounding you entirely. A dragon? What on Earth could he be-

"You know exactly what he've heard my voice yet you fail to recognize yourself as my wielder get stronger so some day we may meet eye to eye. Till then. Partner" said the voice that you had heard at the church the night before. By the look plastered to your face Sirzechs knows but doesn't mention it.

Flashback end~

"So like he said I'm gonna train so I can use my full power when the time comes and one by one I'll collect the pieces so I can become even stronger." You said doing push ups. So next time I can protect Asia.

As you finished the set of push-ups you were snapped from your trance looking over to the two. Rias sitting on Issei's back as he did push-ups as well. It was pitiful at best. And this guy was meant to be stronger than you. Oh no, oh hell nah that wasn't gonna fly at all.

You slowly made your way to the monkey bars and began the pull-ups.

One time skip later!
Brought to you by Chibi Koneko and (Y/N) arm wrestling.

"So you said you needed to tell me something right red. Don't see why it couldn't wait till the club but- hold the fuck up what are all these boxes here for!" You said confused and somewhat yelling as well. Your front yard had a good amount of boxes lying around in it and behind a stack you saw Asia flustered as could be.

Rias gave a slight chuckle then said "well the poor girl had nowhere to go. Issei offered but she turned it down and when asked where she wanted to live she said..." Prompting the young devil to speak up.

"N-Near (Y/N)...I really don't know anyone else in the club. But if it inconveniences you I can leave whenever you wish." She sounded nervous and sincere. It was difficult to say no already but now, now it was certainly impossible especially with her being your crush.

"It's fine. Just a little unexpected was all, sorry for the outburst. When I'm surprised I lose my filter on words so I curse like a sailor. So sorry bout that" you said accompanied by a nervous chuckle.

You then began to get all of Asia's things moved in and soon after you take a quick shower and ready yourself for school.

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