Familiar? part 3

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I shall stop shouting now. It occurred to me that when I wrote this book I did not nearly expect it to blow up like this granted it ain't a best seller but you guys. The readers are still enjoying this story and that means allot to me ya know. So from me to all y'all thank you so much it means allot to know that people are reading what I'm writing and enjoying it.
Give it some time and I'll send out the special vote I once mentioned in the description that I would only release when the time was right maybe some where in season two or three I may put it so when we reach those areas I'll keep ya updated on the plan for it so, without further ado enjoy the read and also mini ecchi later in chapter. It's a DxD book can't go to long without some am I right?

Once the magic circle had teleported each of you the forest you had gotten yourself up slowly and looked around and chuckled. "Creepy, but cool in a way." As you continued to look around Rias reeled you back in and laughed slightly.

"Your like a kid in a candy store right now. While I can't blame you for being excited it is never a good idea to wonder off from your group" Rias said once she had a hold on your collar.

"Sorry bout that..ehehe...just thinking of the awesome possibilities!" You said with a smile. Then calmed yourself and went to stand with Asia, grabbing and holding her hand in the process.

"The Familiar forest is now open to devil's!" Shouted a voice up above throwing you into an alert moment till you found the source of the voice.

"Who is the Ash Ketchum wanna be, and please tell me he is the master dude." You said barely holding a laugh back. Asia gave a light smack to your arm making you stop but also making it harder to hold back the laughs cracking up a little. "Wonder if he caught them all....hehehe..." After somewhat letting the laugh out he hopped out into the open not having heard what you said.

"The name is Zatouji but I am more well known as the Familiar Master! Tell me what you seek and I'll take you to the right pastures!" He said oddly enough ryhming as well. It oddly put a smile on your face.

"Can you get me one with super huge tits that'll do as I command!?" Issei hollered not at all limiting himself. Causing you to knock him upside the head.

"Take this seriously!" You shouted while hitting him. He groaned in pain slightly while rubbing his head.

"The young brute is right! When searching for familiars search for best fit not for best tit" said Zatouji. You nodded agreeing with him.

"Could I get a cute one?" Asia asked making your heart melt a little. After she said so you put your arm around her smiling.

"If it's cute you wish consider it done and done!" Zatouji proclaimed causing her to cheer happily. Then he looked to you and said "And you young brute, what be your fruit?" He asked causing you to smirk and step up balling your fist up tightly.

"Bring me the biggest, baddest, and strongest sonovabitch ya got!" You proclaimed with booking pride. No one was surprised by this but Asia couldn't help but feel a tad bit worried about you possibly getting hurt.

"Well I must say, the big could snap you like a twig. Yet the payout could make for a great day out for you...hmm. Consider it done, wait till the end and you'll have your fun!" Zatouji said pumping you up.

After a bit of searching the group came across some interesting familiars some cool, some weird, others a true mystery. It was swell at least until...

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