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(Y/N) = Your Name
(L/N) = Last Name
(HC) = Hair color
(EC) = Eye color

(No one P.O.V)

It was your normal day. All you were up to was just walking around and taking in the scenery while on your way to school. It was nice, it usually always was, except today was gonna roll a bit differently than once planned.

(Y/N's P.O.V)

Today is a good day, nice weather, quiet neighborhood. Sometimes I think I am lucky to relax like this with everything that has happened. You smiled thinking on life wondering what your day may hold. Maybe a trip to the market area or park. Maybe to the river, who knows at this rate the possibilities are endless.

Suddenly you heard a faint but noticable yell or scream more like it in your area. Being who you are, not investigating wasn't an option. What you saw and who you are to meet shall change your life forever maybe for the better who knows in this life many things are possible

As you rounded the corner a small heat gathered at your face for what you had seen. A small somewhat petite nun that had fallen but her skirt had went up revealing the glorious sight of pure white.

The small nun sat up, finally snapping you back to reality.

"Hey are you ok?" you ask running over. I might not have seen it, but it sounded like a nasty fall for sure, I hope she is alright, that I do. She looked at you with a smile that made your heart melt.

"No, I'm fine, I just tripped is all no need to worry one bit!" she said quickly getting up sounding a bit nervous.

In this moment as you were getting ready to speak the small hood over her head had been caught up by the wind. In the moment of the event instinct kicked in as you quickly grabbed it mid-air, she seemed rather full of relief from this seeing as you caught it before it was lost to the wind.

"Thank you, I was afraid I was going to lose that, I really appreciate it." she said with a wide smile.

"No troubles at all Ms..?" you ask wondering. She smiled before speaking and looked right into your eyes giving you a good view of those green colored eyes of hers.

"My name is Asia Argento, but you can call me Asia, also I have one...actually no two questions to ask of you." this time Asia seemed a bit worried but hopeful as well

"Well the first I bet is for my name, in that case my name is (Y/N) (L/N). And Asia is quite a nice name if I do say so myself, now then how about that other question?" you ask and smile full of confidence, hoping to spark something.

"Well my next question is... Well, could you show me where the church is and a little bit around town please? I've been lost a good chunk of the day" Asia said sounding a bit flustered and blushing a small bit as well

"Don't worry, I'll show ya around no need to be worried about a thing at all" you smiled giving a toothy grin but deep down you could feel a few nerves were stiff or non stop. Of course... The church... This day might turn south.. Oh well, can't just abandon Asia after that, what kinda man would I be if i did that. Oh well here goes!

Now yes yes i know, this is a bit short at first but this is only a prologue.

Now for starters. Enter (Y/N), and Asia. For some reason you feel like you should stick with her. Maybe you like being around her or dare i say... You "Like" like her? I mean hell that's why we are all here after all. Anywho lets see how this day goes with Asia and (Y/N) side by side

Please inform of how this chapter went please for I am only just new to writing let me know where improvements are needed for when this is released there will at least be 4 or 5 chapters to start everyone off. I hope you have all enjoyed this so far! See you all next chapter!

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