Sacered Gears and Fallen Feathers

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I will not die here! Not to these half assed fallen ones or anyone else! You had stood up, granted it hurt like hell but you had to get yourself up now or never again, obviously you chose the harder option. I swear to you... I'll beat you all to a bloody pulp I won't spare a single sliver of mercy to you all! Perish!! It was ringing through your head now, these raging thoughts... The real killer inside about to have his way. At this moment you could feel a growth on both arms it was painful but you couldn't care less for all you had to do now, was survive and tank through it.

"If I'm going to hell I'm taking you with me!" you ran like a berserk predator hunting it's prey. The three fallen angel hadn't expected this at the least, enough to where the man barely had time to react to you pouncing and wailing away at him blow to blow. In this rush he found a quick opening to give a quick strike to your ribs and jump back to catch his breath.

"What the hell are you... Stronger than most that is for sure." he smirked almost as if he had something planned. The other two smirked as well almost as if they had accomplished a goal.

"What are you smirking about...." you had held back the rage for a moment to think a new plan through. A flank wouldn't work there are 3 against me... I'll have to overwhelm in some way here.. Some how...

Your thought process had been slightly interrupted when you heard them all laugh. It was weird you kept your guard up just incase.

"Wow I can't believe it, they were right another fallen angel like us in the area who has a sacred gear, do you know how rare that is!" Raynare had said

"My name is Donaseek, that is Raynare and the blue haired woman is Kalwarner" he smiled and gestured to let your guard down

"Ok so what do you want, and what the hell is a sacred gear, I never got to involved with that stuff so I need a bit of help there" you said still ready to fight if needed.

"Well a sacred gear is known as a power that only humans or half breeds for human-devil or human-fallen angel, not sure for normal angels though, but the special thing is yours is known as the Brutus gear, known for the metal engravings it can make on the arms, or coating them in metal at a stronger stage" Raynare said

"Anywho we have a deal to propose to you seeing as we are short handed and you need a purpose, from what I can see of you" Kalewarner said

"May I hear this deal before I decide to rip you all to shreds" the rage was bottling up but not much longer could you hold it until snapping again. For once in my life I want to fight...I want to rip them apart limb from limb, and make them regret meeting me.

"Join us, and you could be heavily rewarded beyond you wildest dreams, and after all you are kinda cute." Raynare said with a smirk. Looking you up and down as if she wanted to get to know you in a different way.

You shivered slightly thinking about it. You agreed to join up for now, but threatened to brutally kill them if they were to stab you in the back.

Small time skip brought to you by chibi (Y/N) and Asia enjoying a small walk

It was a lengthy walk but when you arrived you realized this church you stand before was the one you Brought Asia to.

I'm scared what she might think of me...I didn't tell her about this...She might be mad, but oh well it is time to face the music. You thought about it then finally acted on your thoughts.

You walked up and gave a big push to the doors opening them up. The place down was the nice way of putting it. Looking around one could tell that things were moving slow to say the least. Rubble was falling from the roof a bit, a few support beams had fallen, and a few things so covered in dust it would make a mountain if one swiped their finger through it.

"Not to sound rude buuuuuut...this place is a shit hole" you said it bluntly but sometimes that is better. Then you felt a pain at your arms it felt like something was digging into them. When you looked down the metal that once marked your arm was receding into your arms. A painful process but good to know it hides it's self when you were calmed down.

The three who escorted you saw this and smiled.
"Well look at that, good to know you can hide your weapons when needed" Donaseek said patting your back. He then gestured for you to follow his small group to show you around.

~Small Time Skip~

During the small tour you were shown where you could eat at, where you would sleep if you needed somewhere to crash, and where meetings were conveyed. Rules didn't seem to be a problem since the main thing was just to be around when you were needed and not to attract unnecessary attention.

Follow the rules, stick with your squad, and do as your told and your set. Do the opposite and well, let's just say you don't last long. As far as you were concerned this was easy. Some new 'Friends' to run with and you learned about a hidden ability of yours. Only bad thing was it was time to face the music. Time to tell Asia who and what you are. At least that's what you had planned on once you find her, but the group had other plans for you, they kept you busy scouting for items of use, such as food, drinks, tools or other items to help repair the church hide out.

Time skip brought to you by chibi (Y/N) looking for Asia

It continued like this for a few days coming close to the weekend, for all you knew Asia was on a different shift since you could never find her on your free time. This was getting old and you were losing patience with the group constantly keeping you out scouting, the only relifw came to be when you were able to sleep, eat, or work out to keep in shape.

Not sure why but this one took me a little while to do, I hope all is going good so far, I mean I'm kinda trying to coincide with the story of the original DxD but it is slow going especially since I'm stuck at "What the shit am I gonna do about Issei!?" Since him and Asia never met, granted you'll meaet him during the freed chapter coming up but still wondering how I'mma write that, but anyway see y'all next chapter!

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