Everything Changes

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It's been a few days since the whole Freed house incident, Asia has mostly tended to your wounds that reopened and that had appeared that day during your escape but it all went well in the end after all.

"Oh jeez looks like with what I got left we'll be lucky to get some cheap grub...it sucks to be hunted down, can't go home, to work or school without risking our lives." you said with a long exasperated sigh at the end. Sleep hadn't come easy the past few days for you, taking watch and making sure you both stayed alive wasn't easy on the body. Asia could see this and felt terrible, her healing could fix your wounds but not restore lost stamina sadly leaving you to run on fumes.

As you and Asia walked around the park a familiar voice was heard....struggling, being who you are curiosity became your guide to find the young perv Hyoudo trying to do pull ups at the monkey bars.

"Ah man this sucks...first I'm beaten by that Freed dick then I had to be saved by (Y/N) and now I can't even get stronger with all this power I supposedly have...shit!" He yelled out, it was sad, you felt not pity but sympathy for the guy. At one point you were the same, not able to get stronger in a time of dire need only to lose in the end all the same.

"Oi Hyoudo, you do realize there are kids around right, screaming curse words might not be the best example to put out there dude.." you said with a light chuckle. When he turned around to look he was surprised, you and Asia safe and sound both seemed fine...at least Asia did, you on the other hand he could tell you needed three things, food, sleep, and a shower. Give you those three and you'd be fine.

"You're both ok! But how, after we left I saw the house-" he began but you cut him off to explain...well actually bargain..

"Hey, relax I'll tell ya the details but you gotta do me a solid alright! All I ask for is some food for me and Asia, then I'll spill, I'm running on fumes her man please!" You asked...bargained...begged, you begged.

Time skip brought to you by a Chibi (Y/N) walking with Asia

After a little while Issei had brought you and Asia too restaurant to eat. While Asia didn't seem overly hungry and desperate for the food you on the other hand were quite the opposite. As soon as the food got to the table, you began to Chow down.

"A little hungry were you? I mean I know they have some good stuff here but still, wolfing down a burger like it's tic tacs says sonething" Issei joked as he watched you eating, till Asia spoke up in your defense.

"(Y/N) hasn't exactly had a proper chance to eat and when ever he bought something he'd barely eat any to make sure there was enough to keep myself from going overly hungry" she said timidly. Issei had looked back over to see you had finished your burger.

"Now then, I've eaten and drank, I want or need a shower but I'll talk" you said. Issei leaned in closer intent on hearing how you and Asia escaped the hail storm of spears.

"You see let's just say my sacred gear is good for major defense and strength, at the last moment there was a burst from the current power I had, when it was gone I awoke to find me and Asia were far from that place, from what she told me some kinda armour formed on me as we booked it out" you said as you looked at your hand noticing a small sealed cut "Thanks to Asia's healing I don't have to worry about my wounds slowing me down too much" you then added.

Issei at the least seemed surprised to say the least, he could tell you were speaking the truth and all but still couldn't believe it. As the day dragged out, you, Asia and Issei had hung out having a blast around town even giving you a small chance for a nap to recover from your exhausted state.

Time skip brought to you by a napping chibi (Y/N).

After a little while you had awoken, everything seemed well. You were on a bench near Asia and Issei as they exchanged a few words. Until those tell tale black feathers fell down and a voice followed.

"I'm honestly hurt that you both ran away, and Issei I must say I never expected you to survive, good to see you" she laughed callously.

"Raynare!? Why are you here, what do you mean ran away?" Iseei's words left him with venom, showing his dislike for the woman.

"Damn I really thought we'd have a bit more time before getting found...shit, alright let's go" you slowly got to a standing position and summoned your sacred gear. It was in the glove form once again, and gleamed this time, shining brightly in the light of the afternoon.

"Look I don't want to fight all I need is little Asia, I would love to have you accompany us (Y/N) but I doubt you will which makes me very sad, almost breaks my heart, now then why don't you both come with me before things get bad" she says trying to threaten you and Asia into coming as she creates a light spear.

"Sorry but no dice, I'll tell you what, Asia, Issei, and me are gonna leave, so why don't you come with, live your life the way you want not by what some general douche angel tells you" you said as your wings spread making sure you were ready to take off with Asia and Issei if need be. One may be strong but with your current strength fighting would be like stepping in a bear trap deliberately.

Then...in an instant..it happened. The light spear flew from her hand and went straight for Issei, there was no time to think only to move. With a kick off of your foot and a ram from your shoulder it seemed to all move in slow motion as the spear pierced your heart.

From that point all you could hear was the muffled thump as you hit the ground, Asia's scream of sorrow and Issei's rage.

In that instant it all went black, as vision disappeared....and the final pumps of ones heart.........begin to slowly...............cease......................................

One final breath was sucked down....as everything changed

Sorry bout that y'all, writer's block stopped me for a while one getting an idea which kept me from releasing the book and all, now if I can get at least a couple readers here and there and some good feedback I shall continue the story...ah hell I'll probably just continue any way

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