Who in the hell!

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Hey everyone, just a quick FYI just in case you feel this chapter takes off quick this takes place literally right after the last one

Only about two hours were lost in between as both Asia and (Y/N) were getting ready.

Well without further Ado though here we go!


The sun was out, the weather seemed like it was going to hold nicely all day long. If it did today would be a wonderful day, it was just you and Asia. A day for just the two of you was long overdue, you both loved the entire group but to be just the two of you for a day felt great. Taking in a deep breath, filling the lungs then deeply exhaling after. A wave of calm already.

"Someone seems calm today, you must be happy" said Asia as she walked along side you holding your left hand. Currently your right was shoved into your pocket.

"How could I not be, it's just me and you today my love. Last time we had a chance to go out like this was when Raynare attacked. It's been a while since then." You said remembering those times. Dark memories for certain but nothing you wouldn't change, after it's how you and Asia ended up on this path together.

She nodded bad memories for her as well but she also had many good memories from that time as well.

"I remember back then, you got skinny for a while. It took time before you finally bulked up" she said as she walked closer to you wishing to stay as close as she could. Not for lack of trust of strangers but just the overall happiness she feels near you.

"Hey I filled out nice though after that. Sure enough, could do with a little extra muscle though" you added thinking on the idea of being a little bigger bulk wise. The image of Hercules popped into your head a moment.

"(Y/N) you look just fine the way you are, I wouldn't change you in the slightest." Asia said as you both kept walking looking for a place to stop in at for anything at all. This was a date after all you two would need to find something to do and per your words Asia was to choose today's activities.

"I know my love I know, but could you imagine me a little bulkier, hell what I wouldn't give to look like Hercules. Shit I wonder if he is actually real and if so imma definitely have to fight him or at least arm wrestle!" Excitement bubbling to the surface over the idea of it yet quickly shutting it down in order to rein it in for Asia. Today wasn't about fighting it was about the both of you. Granted this did cause her to laugh a little so hey, plus on that.

After some time of walking and talking together you and Asia had sat in at a nice little restaurant. Yawning a tad bit still shaking off some early morning fog, you both placed your orders. While sitting down something had bugged you however.

Just a random feeling, felt as though you were being watched, Asia could sense it as well judging by your body language. You looked her dead in the eye and took a deep breath.

"Someone is watching...not sure where, not sure who but keep your guard up." You whispered, trying to put out your own aura as a feeler the pings you felt in response were strong to say the least. Who ever this was didn't care about being found. Making slow movements you slowly began getting up.

"Stay here Asia, I'm gonna deal with this prick whoever it is" you had said slowly rising out of the booth leaving your jacket with her.

"Wait what if it is the guy who attacked you last time? He ganged up on you before and you barely survived, I'm not taking the chance that it happens again!" She said standing as well. Whisper yelling to a degree, she remembered how beat up you were last time this scenario popped up, letting you go alone wasn't an option for her now.

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