The Days

224 2 11

Day 3
4:45 AM

Rain fell hard slowly waking you up from your slumber. You looked around slowly, it was still dark out. You has passed out after running for so long. No telling how long you were out really.

With one look around you were able to confirm that you were still in the forest. It was creepy for certain, one would hope it wouldn't be as bad once the sun came up. But even so it was still an unnerving place to be. You heard the voices again.

Not guilt, nor anger. More of a greedy voice, one who could never get enough.

"Tell many times have we indulged for our selves...hmm? I want an answer" said this new voice making you squint in annoyance.

"You want everything you fucking twat..." You said not at all holding back the language. You glared to the side and kept moving.

"Hey how much money do you think we could make in a day with our powers...but hell I know what we both want..our cute little nun moaning out our name in shear ecstacy! I can hardly imagine how she would feel!" Said the greed filled voice ringing in your ears.

A deep blush appeared as you tried to ignore him. He began to laugh and tease more.

"You aren't denying it, or shall I say we aren't den-" he was about to finish till you snapped and punched the mist formed body making it disperse. He laughed more, as her reshaped himself this time to look like Asia.

"Get out of that form at once! How dare you take on her shape" you boomed causing the fake Asia to laugh at you.

"Oh come now, I know you've been aching to have a crack at this body, maybe I'll just let you" said the fake Asia as she floated behind you and wrapped her arms around you. It's arms felt cold, like the chill of death. This wasn't your Asia, a cheap mimic at best.

"Begone foul aren't my beloved, you are freezing cold. Not at all radiating the warmth of my Asia. Begone scum!" You flared up your own magic aura to make it back off. When it did the mist reshaped into the greedy you. It held it's arms up trying to protect itself in case if you attacked.

"Once again, I'll tell you once more you damned demon! Take your shit and leave and while you are at it take anger and sadness with you! I'm done focusing on the past! I am gonna move towards the future! The future with Asia Argento, happily married and with kids and nothing and I mean nothing will stop me! Do you hear me!" You shouted at the mist as it dispersed and reappeared behind you. He had a smile on his face as the dark feeling in his aura disappeared.

"Now that is the aura of Brutus! Finally one who wields my Creator! FYI I am anger or sadness, including greed. I was made to test the wielders by emulating their past negative feelings, if you fell for those you were to be killed regardless if you held Brutus or not, but you stuck to the positive and kept moving. In other words my friend let me help lead you to the greaves you seek this forest is dark to navigate after all." Said the mist with a smile as his body reshaped to one similar to your own, except in a more feminine shape. She them began to lead you through the forest.

"Your true form looks alot like me...but as a chick...why is that?" You asked as you followed her uneasy about what was happening.

"Well I am a replica of the first ever person to possess the Brutus gear, Brutus stuck to a specific soul all his life. In other words every person who has had a shard of Brutus is the reincarnation of the first or me in a way. So in other words I am your ancestor but yet I am not since I am only a replica." Said the young woman as she lead you. She had a thoughtful expression as she walked and looked you over.

"What's up, you're looking at me like I got something on my I?" You asked her as you followed. You focused on her eyes since it was somewhat difficult not to notice other assets.

"Well you see it is certainly odd, for a sense a half soul in you, while your soul is your own and is vessel to Brutus. It is halved, do you have a twin sibling?" She asked as she shot a small smile to you.

"I-...I did..his name was Tenshi. We were close but we were soon separated, I never got to see him again, I tried looking for him every where yet all I had found was evidence that he had been killed." You said with a somber look to the ground.

"I see this situation isn't uncommon at all, many chase after those with potential chance to wield Brutus." She said as she put it all together, she then lightly patted your shoulder.

"Either way how long will this take with you guiding me, I wanna return to my friends soon if possible." You asked as you looked around. she smiled to you and looked to the mountain top.

"Well you ran a good distance, but the forest will take a few more hours to get through, the mountain itself with my paths I'll be leading you on will take a day at most. So say two more days and we'll be there." She said as she continued to lead you. You smiled upon hearing this knowing what it meant. You could return to your love sooner than you thought.

"All right then let's move it! I need to get stronger! So I can protect her!" You shouted as both of you speed up to a sprint.


Day 3
11:57 AM

Asia sat trying her best to train her magic, so she could heal her comrades from a range. Her thoughts continued to drag back to (Y/N). The fact of where he is, and what he may be experiencing. What could be and what may be. Her worry grew each second she thought about him. She looked to a picture at her side she had brought with her. It was of her and (Y/N) on a date, back when he devoted everything to protecting her from Freed and everyone else. He looked tired, pale, and starved yet a smile was still plastered to his face as he stood with her.

"(Y/N) please be safe...I know how you are so I know you won't stop till you are please stay alive.." she said as she looked to the picture with slight tears forming.

She continued to focus her magic with this stirring feeling in her heart, noticing different results come forth from the quaking of her heart.

"Everyone is training to get stronger, even you (Y/N). So I can't just slack off. I'll become strong as well, so that even if you're hurt beyond repair, I can heal you so you won't die....and even if it required more than my magic to heal you... I'd be more than willing to give in to you." She said this with a deep blush covering her face. Determination filling her from within.

"I'll get stronger so I can save you..." She said focusing more into it magnifying it significantly reaching the result she was wishing for and more.

Both hearts beat in tandem, each knowing that even miles away their love burns for each other. One gets strong to protect and bear all the pain while to other gets stronger so the first won't have to bear the pain if any at all.

I am really having fun with these chapters honestly, it took me a while because writer's block was giving me a hard time on this. But I finally was able to get out what I was wishing to in this so thank whatever is above for the help cause I'm damn sure this gave me intense trouble.

Twilight Wings (Asia x Male Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora