Trials to Fight

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I know I have been extremely slow to update and I apologize for this I feel as though I have just been dragging my ass while staring at this chapter for a long time.
To help your friends and lover you must subject yourself to some truly hellish tests be prepared.


Waking in the morning you felt a soft weight at your side pinning your arm. Knowing exactly who it was you smiled, turning over and wrapping your other arm around Asia. As you opened your eyes, you could see the young girl staring back into your own. To start the morning with a laugh you decided to break the silence.

"Either I had a sake fueled night of fun or I reincarnated as an extremely lucky lad." You had said caressing her cheek lightly running your thumb along it. Feeling the soft warmth of the girl besides you. She let out a soft laugh cuddling closer to you. As you felt her body press against yours you felt bare skin against your chest.

"I thought you fell asleep with a top on? I don't mind but it just caught me off guard." You slightly wrapped yourself around her more to keep her warm.

" the middle of the night I kept waking up and it felt really uncomfortable having everything on when I slept so...I kinda took it all off." She said sheepishly only causing you to smile and kiss her forehead.

"As I said I don't mind it. And please cut the cuteness this early in the morning, I can't take it" you said leaning closer to kiss her, calming her nerves.

She cuddled closer as you two entwined your bodies with one and other relaxing. As you felt her curves line up with your body, you let your hand begin to drift along them pulling her more towards you in the process.

As you did so hoping to sleep in more you heard a knock upon the door. You sighed and got up as Asia released you, making grabbing hands like a small child as you got up causing you to give small laugh and kiss her wrapping her in the blanket.

"Stay here I'll check the door, I've at least got my sweat pants on" you had said making your way to the door. As you opened it you were greeted with red hair in a night gown.

"Ah (Y/N)! I didn't think you'd be back before the week was out, good to see you are alright. I was just coming to wake Asia for some early morning training. It is an added bonus to see you have made it back earlier than expected, I shall inform my brother and-" she began and continued to go on till you interrupted.

"Don't sweat it. I'll do it myself. He gave me a magic sigil that will teleport me to him on activation, I wanted to come back to Asia first before I returned to him." You said catching Rias off guard. She smiled calming herself.

"It is good to have you back. I'll let you get back to her." As she began to turn a thought ran through your mind so you called out to her.

"Hey! Wait a sec...I wanted to ask you to tell Hyoudo to meet me outside...when I need to call upon him again...I need to train and master this new power." You said with determination filling you.

"Is there any reason other than just to master new found power. I feel something more within your reason." Said the buxom red head.

"Is there any other than to test my fist against his...if he truly is the red dragon...and is destined to be stronger than myself... then he should have no problem beating me if his training has been going well...I sensed his power last night...for a moment I felt something more than anger about him supposedly being stronger than me but I felt a fear from how high his power had escalated in just a few please, do this for me Rias..I'm going to speak with your brother about my return and about a more personal matter. I'll handle everything so please just do this one thing for me." You had said pushing more onto the subject causing her to sigh and fold her arms. Nodding her head slowly showing she would.

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