licking one's Wounds

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I won't waste your time here, so rather than a speech we shall pick up where we left off!


It was a long fly back home.
You began to lose track of time. Had it been a few minutes.
A few hours.
When did you end up in this alley.

All that kept you from keeling over was the pain reminding you that you still draw breath.

Your mind was scattering around the event as it had played out. Something about that blade Freed cut you with. What the hell did he say it was again? Excalibur or something like that.

Whatever it was, it had a certain effect on your body, your skull was pounding, your wound burned as if someone had slashed you with a fire poker, and your body felt as if it was rotting away due to the pain. You were in some alley now, the pain proving too much to keep focused on flying, having caused a crash landing.

Looking to your wings they were broken, along with some ribs and your left arm.

If you were going to survive you would have to return home quickly, but you must not be caught or seen. A human seeing your broken body would freak out, let alone the fact you can't retract your wings. Mentally they may shatter or if you were brought to a hospital the supernatural would be found out and who knows, you might end up under the scalpel of experimentation and no one wishes to be a guinea pig.

Move silently, with a plan and most importantly avoid overly lit up areas, thanks to the cover of nightfall this may be easier, but if you step into lighting fixtures your cover could be blown.

Finally pushing yourself to a standing position you began to move, painfully dragging your broken wings behind you. Grunting lightly in pain, doing your best to be quiet but it was painful. Your mind kept going back to the blades used against you, Freed's Excalibur mostly but the unknown shadow striker. That war blade he carried cut through your balance breaker, all be it's incomplete state, like a hot knife through butter. What the hell was that thing.

"Bru....Brutus...the fuck..what were dealing with in there?" You asked the dragon within you, recieveing no response.

"Answer me you overgrown lizard.... Come on!" You yelled in anger.

"If I were you, in your condition I wouldn't insult my closest ally. And for one you were cut by a shard of excalibur, each of which have the ability to slay devils within one slice, you are lucky the cut isn't extremely deep, otherwise you'd have died the moment you took flight." came the dragon's voice, pissed due to your insult, but concerned for you none the less. He had come to like you over time.

"What about the oversized toothpick...?" You asked in a calmer tone.

"Could you not sense it your was another piece of me, the blade variant of the four sacred gears made from my fragmented power. To see him wield it without the vambraces though, most cannot achieve such a feat, yet he made it look like child's play, we deal with a powerful foe, a one in a million fighter if you will. Even with your two fragments together, once he jumped you he had us in the palm of his hand, and easily could have slain you and taken your shards." the dragon's voice boomed, bringing you to deep thought. Your attacker could have easily killed you and been done with it, yet instead he held back, even letting Freed go in, very likely knowing you would escape. Something didn't add up here at all. As you kept thinking about it and moving, the pain making it no easier to do so, but lucky for you, an ally was near.

"(Y/N)! What the fuck happened to you man!" Came a familiar voice causing you to lift your head, for a moment in fear thinking it was a human classmate. Luckily for you it was Issei on his lonesome. It now explained how he saw you in the cover of shadows, for devils can see in the dark easily. You smiled letting out a light groan to greet him but quickly fell to the ground. Issei came running and began to fumble around for his phone. You heard him dial a number, and frantically explain the situation.

Twilight Wings (Asia x Male Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz