When the Green trio walked in, Morgan instantly ran to Penelope and Donny's side, disappearing into the backyard with the rest of the gang playing football. Bella assisted Iris and Esme in the kitchen, helping to ward of the hungry 'puppies' when they tried to sneak a few bites. Everyone had to dumb down the supernatural escapades when Charlie walked through the door. The sheriff gravitating towards the beers in the cooler, sitting on a lawn chair to watch the family play.

Let's just say with the large family they had, multiple tables had to be pushed together to fit them all. Well, the eaters anyway. Iris stood beside Edward with a glass of sangria in her hand. Charlie had given her the look, but he eventually let it slide seeing as the woman was married with kids of her own now. She held up the glass as Edward gazed at her adoringly, smile wide as she took in the large group of people surrounding them. 

"Speech, speech! Speech!" The Quileute boys cheered causing a light chuckle to filter through the room.

"Although, it may be extremely cheesy, I have to say it. I'm immensely grateful for the family I've been given. Who have stood by me/us in the most chaotic times. From my first day back in the spring semester when I almost got smooshed by a car, to the arrival of Donny. T-this truly is a day, that I will never take for granted. I love you all, Happy Thanksgiving," She teared up, which embarrassed her to put it plainly, as she raised her glass with everyone and took a sip.

"Mommy," Iris looked down to Donny himself as he padded towards her. Heartbreakingly, he was already reaching her thigh in height, not that the ginger was anything to be measured against. Donny had obviously surpassed Penelope's age in appearance, however everyone pretended not to notice so the little boy wouldn't feel as though he was odd. His wavy dark hair flicked around his head in different directions, no matter how much you styled it. And his eyes have never been bluer, shrouded with thick lashes, almost hypnotizingly bright.

"Yes, darling?" She squatted to his height after she set aside her drink. Donny took pieces of her incredibly long hair in his hands. He held the curls like it was the most delicate thing he'd ever seen, twirling it between his fingers. "It's Thanksgiving right, like you said?"

The ginger nodded, watching him quizzically as a shy grin formed on his lips. "Then, I am thanks-full for you, daddy and Pen." He quickly kissed both of her cheeks before her forehead and she melted instantly. She kissed his cheek back, her expression exuberating elation. "Well I am too! Who taught you to kiss like that, Donny?"

"I see daddy do it all the time, and grandpa Carlisle does it to Nana Esme too." The gaggle of company laughed at his observation. Donny was entirely too cute. Iris shared an amused glance with Edward before smoothing down her son's wild hair. Morgan clambered up to him suddenly, tugging on his hand as she pointed towards Pea and the Quileute's starting to head outside again.

"C'mon Donny, come on! We can play tag," She gushed before rushing off. Donny glanced towards his parents with wide, puppy dog eyes. He was asking for permission to leave her side, which Iris thought would be the start of the mommy's boy characteristics. Edward came behind his wife and wrapped an arm around her waist as he nodded to Donny. "Go ahead, Don. Be careful with your sister."

"Sure daddy–" The little boy took off after the girls, his sandals slapping against the hardwood floors to the deck.

"He's growing up too fast," Iris sighed, leaning into Edward's embrace. He his arms around her, resting his chin on her crown, comfortably. "Carlisle's says it's slowing down, it'll be okay." He rubbed her shoulders and placed a kiss on her hair, endearingly. Although neither of them completely believed it, Iris nodded to try and convince herself. For as long as she could remember, she would have a sinking gut feeling when something troubling was about to happen. And for some reason, she was feeling this a whole new level right now.

You, Me and Penny Green 2 | Edward CullenWhere stories live. Discover now