Chapter 60 - Recall

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"Thank you so much for looking after him. He wasn't a bother was he? Sometimes he get's a little too excited." Laura picked up Jamie at 11am the next morning and waas convinced that her son had misbehaved. She was a worrier, and acted as though her 4 year old son was a badly behaved convict or something.

"He was no problem. We went out for pizza and then watched a movie. He's welcome here anytime." Allison handed the little boy's backback over to his mother, ruffling his hair as he snaked around her legs and out to his mom.

"Thank's again for having him! Hey, it won't be long until you have a baby of your own. How long do you have left?"

"Just under 5 months." Allison held her stomach proudly.

"Do you want to know the sex of the baby? When I was pregnant I didn't want to find out what I was having, but Daniel was adament that we were to find out."

Allison laughed. Daniel sounded a lot like Holly. "No, I don't want to find out. Holly wants to know of course, but I told her it has to be a secret until the baby is born."

After saying goodbye, Allison went back into the house and made something to eat. She was grateful that her sickness had finally subsided but now, she was hungry 24/7. The portion of food she made was enough to feed both her and Holly, but she was on her own as Holly had gone out, and so she decided to eat it all herself.

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When Holly got home, Allison could tell that something was wrong with Holly. She always shouted 'Hello' as she came through the door, but today there was nothing. She was sat at the kitchen table reading a magazine, trying to take her mind off the fact that she was still hungry.

"Everything okay?" Allison asked, looking up from her magazine as Holly walked into the kitchen.

She stared ahead of her, her face pale. "The weirdest thing happened to me was crazy."

"What? Are you okay? Did you see Elliot?" Allison closed the magazine and slid it across to the other side of the table, letting Holly know that she had her full attention.

"No, wasn't anything like that. I had this weird sort of..flashback? I don't really know what it was, but it was freaky. Get this, I was driving along the road where I had the accident right, and there was some roadworks up ahead so I was stuck in traffic for about 10 - 15 minutes. While I was sat there, I had this weird feeling like I'd been there before, you know? I know it's not really a big deal because I've driven along that road at least a hundred times, but without even realising I started replaying a conversation in my head that I had with Elliot before we crashed." She was stood leaning against the kitchen counter, looking out of the window.

"What was it? What did you remember?" Allison asked, shocked that she had remembered something from the crash. It had been a few years since the accident, and they both seemed to have given up all hope of Holly remembering anything.

"We were arguing - it was so clear that it seemed like it happened yesterday. I asked him if he could keep a secret and then I told him that we kissed. That's why he lost control of the car, isn't it? I distracted him and we crashed." She whipped round so that she was facing Allison.

"You, you remembered that we kissed? Do you remember where it was?" She knew it was a long shot, but she decided to test her memory anyways.

Holly thought for a second, rubbing her forehead as if it would give her the right answer. "It was in the classroom, right?" Her face lit up. "It was in the classroom!"

Allison grinned. She couldn't believe this was happening. She remembered their first kiss. She finally remembered the first time that they kissed. "You got it right!"

Allison jumped up from the kitchen table and threw her arms around Holly, giving her a kiss. Neither one could've imagined that this day would ever come, it had been so long since they had even spoke about the accident. Pulling away a little, she looked at Holly with a grin.

"Do you remember having a detention with me? I asked you to stay behind and..."

"Grade the papers. We graded the papers together." Holly butted in, finishing Allison's sentence for her.

They both laughed simultaniously at eachother and giggled like children. "And that was when we kissed, wasn't it? The day of the detention."

"I..I can't believe this. How did this happen?"

"I don't know. I honestly don't know, and I don't care. I just care about you, and I'm happy to know that I finally remember the first time we met."

They both went into the living room and sat down on the sofa, holding each other close. "I guess the doctor wasn't lying when he said it could take some time. I never expected it, it just happened all of a sudden. One minute I was sat listening to the radio and then I began replaying the conversation like I'd done it a thousand times before. It's been so long since the accident, I'd lost all hope of ever getting my memory back. But now, I'm almost 100% sure that I'm beginning to remember everything. I can't believe I almost lost you, I can't believe I was so selfish that I was almost unwilling to give you another chance."

During her ramble, Allison had began crying. She wiped her eyes, hoping that Holly wouldn't notice.

"Hey..hey are you crying?"

She wiped her eyes and let out a little laugh, smiling apologetically. "It's just, I never thought you'd get your memory back. I was so glad to have you back in my life but I was always a little sad that you didn't truly remember me. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't ask for this to be any different, but I always hoped that one day you'd wake up and remember the first time we met. I wanted you to have the memory of our first meeting at the school, not with you stuck in some hospital bed. And I wanted our first kiss in the classroom to be the one that you remembered. And now you do, and I can't think of anything better. It's just a little overwhelming."

Holly smiled and brought her hand up to Allison's cheek, wiping the tears away from her face. She kissed her girlfriend gently and rested her forehead on hers. "I love you so much, Allison. And I couldn't ask for anything other than you and our baby."


A/N: SHE FINALLY REMEMBERS!!! (P.s. it took me about 6 attempts to write the word 'remember' hahahah)


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