Chapter 29 - Say Something

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Bumping into Alex wasn't really what Allison had hoped for. She knew the city was small compared to back home, but she didnt plan on this happening. Allison wasnt even completely sure why she was here. Holly had told her about her home town when they had been together and how nice it was in the winter. She knew how much Holly loved the winter months. She had just finished work for Christmas Break and before she knew it, she found herself in England.

She knew Alex was drunk and when he pulled out his phone, she knew exactly who he was calling.

She couldn't believe she'd already blown her cover. Allison had only been here for a day and a half and had now convinced herself that staying in the hotel room was going to be the safest option for the remainder of her stay.

Once he hung up the phone, Alex turned back to her and smiled. 

"Do you wanna come out with me? The lads are going up town, you should come with us!"

She looked  at ger watch, it was 2:05am. She'd only popped out for a walk so she wasn't dressed for a night out. She hadn't even meant to stay out this late, but time had gotten the better of her..

"Not tonight." She said, declining politely. "Maybe some other time, yeah?"

"Yeah, yeah ok. Hey! I'll give you my address, you should come round tomorrow! I'm sure Holly would like to see you. I know it would usually seem weird with you being her ex teacher and all but you were there with her in the hospital so i'm thankful for that!"

He took Allisons phone and wrote down his address in the notes app, and then handed it back..

"Thanks..i'll see you soon." She offered him a half fake smile.

His friends shouted his name and it was time for him to go. "It was nice seeing you!"

Then he got in the taxi, and off they went.

It was time for Allison to go back to the hotel..


Holly didn't  sleep that night. How could she? She was tossing and turning constantly and Ayla kept asking her what was wrong. Lying, she told girlfriend that she was just having bad dreams, and she moved closer so that the two of them could cuddle closer.

In the morning, she got up early and went downstairs as her girlfriend slept soundly in her bed. She thought about making herself  something to eat, but she felt sick to her stomach and the thought of food made her want to throw up.

Why did she have to come back?

"Morning."  Alex grumbled, stumbling into the kitchen, rubbing his eyes.

"Oh so you're alive then? Didn't think i'd be seeing you anytime before lunchtime."

"I wasn't home THAT late. I was out having fun."

He sat down at the kitchen table.

"That late? Do you know what time it was?"

He looked puzzled.

"5am. THATS what time it was."

"Oh shit. Did I wake you?"

"Did you wake me? Well if the banging of doors and falling up the stairs didn't, the Lady Gaga rendition that you tried to pull off certainly did."

He smirked. "Sorry."

"Hey, did I tell you I saw Allison last night?"

"Yes. You called me. Don't you remember?"

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