chp 24 last resort

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Last Resort

There was one big question in my mind-How do I escape?And even if I somehow do escape;where the hell was silverburn forest.I would only get one chance since I had to reach tomorrow whereever it was.Also I couldnt let anyone even have a thought about all this.If Andrew found out about this there was no second chance.

I knew mom and dad wouldnt let me go,none of the guys would agree to this.Only 1 person came to my mind.If someone would help me it had to be him.

But in order to contact him I needed a plan and some help from inside.My mind was in spy mode I was being extra careful.

Step 1 of mission escape in action:

Tringg....tringg...The phone kept ringing...why wasnt he picking up??

"Are you all right?"Andrew asked frantically.

"Why wouldn't I be?"I asked.Weirdo..People say hello when someone calls.

"I assumed since you never call me on daily basis there had to be some kind of emergency."He said calming himself.

"So did you find out why they attacked?"I asked.

"Mia I told you its nothing you have to worry about;why dont you just relax?"He answered the exact same thing I expected.

"I got nothing to do,plus all this is to weird for me;its not normal,attacks...rogues...the life I am used to was way too monotonous."I answered truthfully missing my old life.

"Mia you have to adjust to this new life,you cant dwell in the past."He answered.

"But I have nothing to do no homework,no friends and you wont even let me in on what happened yesterday."I replied now annoyed.I was however getting sidetracked from my original plan.

"Can I go over to Mason's place I havent see him since that day and I wanted to see Claire too,"I asked casually.

"I dont know..Mia...its not safe,there are already many things I have to worry about,"He said sounding unsure.

"Oh come on,I am bored plus I promise I will take Zubin along too,"I added but when I never got any reply I put my final card on the table,"You know I was thinking Claire too is new to this mate thing,so maybe by spending time with her...I could...accept this mate thing."I said pretending to sound shy and honest.

That did it since he replied affirmatively.

Step 1:Mason's place achieved

*****************Mason's House*********************

It had been 15 mins since we reached I and Claire were doing some small talk.I wanted to speak to Mason but with Zubin constantly by my side it was difficult to explain.

"Zubin could you please fetch my purse, I left it in the car,"I said trying to get him away so I could speak with Mason.

As soon as he left I asked Claire to get me something to eat and just after she went in I began,"Mase,I need your help,"

"With what?"He asked looking suspiciously.

"I have to escape,"I said too low for anyone else to hear.

"Where?...why?"He asked

"I cant tell you that,all I can say is you have to help me,lives depend on it."I answered too fast.

"Mia,I know you are new to this world but your mate is your otherhalf,I too have a mate,I cant do this to Andrew also he is my alpha and he even loves you.He isnt cruel or evil.I see no reason for you to do this,"

"Its not him,Mase you have to understand please...I cant tell you why but if I dont go tomorrow,there are lives at stake."

"Even if I wanted to I cant Mia,I just got accepted to this pack if I do some offense such as helping the Luna of the pack escape,no pack will take us,I too have Claire to protect."

I was about to say something but Zubin yelled from outside,"Mia I cant find your purse." There goes my final chance.

Claire entered, bringing a plate full of snacks.Till then Zubin had returned.Claire passed on the snacks to Zubin.That brought a wide smile on his face.

"Mason,honey could you please go and fetch some milk,we are out of milk,"Claire asked Mason.

"Is it urgent? Can't it wait?"He asked.

"Nope I need it for a recipe,right now,"She said firmly.

"Umm..ok..I will go get it."

As soon as he walked out,Claire spoke,"Mia why don't you help me out in the kitchen."

I wanted to leave since I had to find ways to escape rather than cooking recipes but nodded since I didn't want to attract attention.

We were in the kitchen now Zubin was outside watching some match when Claire whispered in a low voice,"I will help you."

"With what?"I asked looking confused.

"Don't act innocent.I heard you too."She said.

"How? I spoke in a low voice so did Mason"I asked now worried did Zubin find out as well.

"Well Mase keeps the mindlink open for me,"She explained and I let out a breath.Thank god Zubin didn't find out.

"So you going to tell on me?"I asked hoping she wouldn't.

"Then why would I say I want to help you."She asked in a duh tone.

"Oh ya,"I replied now feeling foolish.

"You only get one chance better act on it."She whispered.

"Here's the plan,"She then emptied the plan into my mind.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaghhh,aaaaaah,"Claire was screaming.

"What happened?"Zubin came running.

"Its Claire....I..I dont know what happened but she is in a lot of pain."I screamed on top of my voice since Claire was expressing her pain in a loud pitch.

"ohhk Let me call Gretchen."Zubin said while taking out the phone.

"No we need to go to a hospital,please...aaaaaaahhhh,"Claire shivered.Damn she looked so real.I almost felt that she really was in pain.

"Ummm....Okay lets go,"Zubin nodded and picked her up.

We were outside the hospital I helped Zubin get her out of the car.

"What are you waiting for?Lets go,"Zubin yelled.

"Ughhh I cant...I have Nosocomephobia,"I reasoned for once feeling good about being a geek.

"You have what?...."He said sounding shocked and irritated.

"Its...Its fear of hospitals,"I explained.

"Aaaaghhh"Claire screamed in pain.

"I cant leave you here alone Alpha's orders,"He said looking confused.

"I wont go anywhere,promise,You go ahead take her in,"I reasoned.


"AAAAAAAAghhhhh, please,"Claire begged.

"Go Zubin,can't you see what the priority is?"I yelled at him.

"Umm..okay...just wait in the car please don't wander off,"He pleaded.

"Ya just go,"I hastened.

I waited in the car to see them get completely  inside the hospital.He gave me one last look and then the doors closed opening one for me.

Next stop:Silverburn forest!!


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