4] explanations

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I am not a morning person but to wake up a wolf doesnt really help the situation I somehow made my way to the door trying to open the door but it was locked and I dont think the maker of doors ever thought about wolves so I think am stuck.

"Think again,"said a voice I am pretty sure it was the same as yesterdays "what" I said great now I am talking to myself.  

"The window's open dumbo,"said the voice again.

"so?" I asked,wolves really are stupid.

"soo jump"the voice sounded annoyed. I chuckled "ya right" I was about to go to the bathroom but then decided against it because I really didnt no how wolves uhmm did their thing.

"I will show you"the voice was excited, "and stop calling me 'the voice' my name in Andrea its greek meaning strong also the feminine form of Andrew or Andreas my mate hmm...

"nahnahnaahnaahllllllmmmm" i started humming to prevent the voice from speaking suddenly I heard footsteps woah I have sharp hearing now it must be because of the wolf no wait there isnt any wolf you are just hallucnating.

I suddenly tensed as the footsteps neared after yesterday I was freaked out "chill its just dad"the voice said and dad walked in.

How do u know and wait he isnt ur dad I said in my mind the voice kept quite.

"Princess I need u to change back into ur human form" I would if I knew how, I wanted to say but couldnt unless dad understood barks which I let out.

He smiled and told me to ask my wolf to shift me back wait my wolf?? "he meant me" the voice said proudly "hey its Andrea" she didnt say anything but next thing I know dad walked out wait where is he going I barked he chuckled telling me he would wait outside I nodded and then changed into human I didnt have any clothes on so thats why he left.

I changed and walked out waiting for explanations.


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