Make It Real - Chp 32 [Melissa]

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 I muttered and mumbled incoherent words under my breath as I kicked another pebble across the path. Of course she had forgotten! I thought to myself furiously, of course my mother would forget it was my birthday! What was even worse was the fact that I was spending my birthday literally alone, without my ‘parents’ it was understandable. But even the Cormack family were out of town. My birthday was during the Summer/Christmas holidays and the Cormacks were off visiting family. So they said they wouldn’t be home until the weekend. Sure they had sent me text messages throughout the day wishing me happy birthday but it just simply wasn’t the same.

As for Eli I had no idea where he was, he arranged to take me to the movies. Not once when he organized it did he say happy birthday or remember. It was like he forgot it was birthday! I had just spent a good half an hour or more outside the cinemas waiting for him to come. But he never showed, so here I was walking home, the walk to or from the cinemas being a good twenty minutes and I was grumbling and sour as could be.

I sighed sadly as the rock fell down the drain, ruining all my fun. Bitterly I stomped passed it and up the front gate with my tub of ice cream and other junk food and a bottle of alcohol – today was me turning my legal age after all, no wonder why it was such a big deal to me of all birthdays – in a plastic bag I had picked up on the way home sulking.

Unlatching the door after unlocking it I stepped into the foyer as I rustled around in my bag to pull out the bottle of vodka and coke. Maybe this will make me feel better I thought bringing it up to my lips.

“Melissa you put that down right this instance!”

I squealed startled as the bottle hit the ground smashing all around my feet, the stench and the feel of it against my bare legs making me look down and scrunch up my nose. I looked up again to find a swarm of people in the dark standing in my lounge room. I squinted as I tried to see who it was but I was fairly certain who it was with a voice like that.

The lights flipped on and Erin gave me a half hearted “Surprise!” she sang weakly, their surprise obviously killed from her mum going all mum on me – which I cherished more than they knew, that was a birthday present!

I looked around at all the faces, Liam and Eli stood over to one side behind a couch waving as they gave me sheepish smiles. Than there were Sharon and Aaron Cormack standing in the centre of the room, Sharon’s arms folded and Aaron struggling to keep his lips straight. Lastly there was Erin in front of them all by the light switch holding a giant birthday cake in hand with candles lit and everything.

I was on the verge of speechlessness, tears even as I looked around at all the streamers and balloons scattering all the room. There were few people but these people were the only people that mattered. Everyone I loved and needed was right here in this room.

“H-how…you guys were meant to be back ‘till the weekend!” I spluttered shocked, my tongue tied.

Sharon nodded eagerly “That’s what we told you, but Erin arranged all of this before she even left. She got Eli organize something with you to get you out of the house so we could set up-“

“Yeah, sorry for standing you up.” Eli mumbled rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

I laughed “You guys.” I cooed walking straight over to Erin who held the cake out impatiently for me, the wax dribbling all over the amazing cake she most likely made “I love you all so much, thank you!” I pressed honestly feeling touched beyond understanding.

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