Make It Real - Chp 13 [Erin]

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“So, do we actually know how to play spin the bottle?” Mel asked wriggling her eyebrows. For a fifteen year old she still had a dirty mind.

I rolled my eyes “You’re actually looking forward to this aren’t you?” I asked accusation in my voice.

Mel smiled impishly “Hell yeah! Who wouldn’t love to kiss some of these guys?” she whispered in my ears.

I giggled slightly but said nothing because in all honesty I didn’t want my first kiss wasted on spin the bottle. But I had no idea how to get out of this, what was I to say without looking like a nun or a fool?

So I bit my tongue and the games begin. Around us in a circle were over fifteen people at this birthday party, two of them including my twin brother and his best friend. Talk about awkward.

Things were going great though, out of all the spinning it was yet to land on me and I was utterly find by that. That is until it landed on me. Looking up across me my eyes landed on the boy I was meant to kiss and I fought back a groan of frustration as my eyes met Aiden Long, a boy in my year that was one of the biggest bullies and always paid me out for being such a so called book nerd.

Mel giggled beside me and I sent her a secret desperate look. Sighing sadly I got onto my all fours and then hesitated again. Taking a deep breath as all eyes were on me I reluctantly began to crawl forward and stopped right in front of him. I hesitated again and that’s when my knight in shining armor intervened.

“Hey Aiden, that wasn’t your turn, it was mine.” Eli interjected.

Aiden shot Eli a ‘what the hell?’ look, just about to protest.

Eli who was beside him reached over and said something in his ear instantly making his face fall, his eyes looking over at Liam who was shooting glares at Aiden. Liam having known all the hell Aiden had put me through.

It was Eli who then crawled towards me, I raised my brow at him a silent; ‘what the hell?’ also. Eli smiled slightly, cheekily when he answered “I told him that if he did kiss you Liam would bash his head in.” he admitted with a soft chuckle making me giggle and blush also.

Yet that didn’t matter because Eli was already reaching out and cupping my face and kissing me in a crowd of more than fifteen. His lips were tender, sweet and short but still sent those sparks from those books all through me.

And that was how I lost my first kiss to my brother’s best friend.


As soon as our lips found one another all thoughts, worries and especially that little voice in the back of my head were utterly shoved aside and ignored. Everything was swept aside and my focus was solely on Eli, on how his warm lips felt against mine; his lips urgent and through with this raw animalistic passion that had my toes curling. The way his hands curled and wrapped around my body possessively, and passionately; one curling on my hip bone as he tugged me closer and closer and the other curling deeply in my hair.

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