Make It Real - Chp 14 [Melissa]

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“Hell no! That’s unfair!” I protested “I can’t go paired with Erin; she won’t shoot at no body because it’s meaaaan.” I drawled shooting Erin a pointed look.

Erin gasped, with wide offended eyes, Eli chuckled softly as he wrapped his arms around her neck teasingly before dragging her in and ruffling her hair making her crinkle her nose in laughter as she shoved at him playfully. The two of them laughing and talking to one another in hush whispers.

I rolled my eyes as Liam elbowed me in the side softly gesturing to them and making soft smooching sounds and thus making me giggle softly as I pretended to wrinkle my nose in disgust though in all honesty I was happy seeing them acting about even if Erin was utterly oblivious to how in love Eli was with her.

“Okay, how about this,” Liam began “we’ll partner up into pairs; Erin and Eli and then Mel and I.” he smiled happily, a big knowing smile as he winked at me; our ploy of giving them alone time no matter what.

We soon began playing Call of Duty, the four of us shooting, crying out and laughing as we sat in front of the TV greatly captured and having the time of our lives. It had been so long since the four of us had hung out like this.

“I can’t believe we lost!” Erin sulked, pouting as she folded her arms and slumping in the lounge.

Eli rolled his eyes “Really? So it wasn’t you saying “No! Don’t shoot him, you’ll kill him!”” he quoted mimicking her voice awfully, yet nevertheless making us laugh.

Erin gasped as she stuck her tongue out at him and sulking off though by the smile at the corner of her lips I knew she was faking it. Eli rushed quickly to find Erin and most likely grovel at her feet like the love struck fool he was.

The both of us chuckled softly at the sight, Liam chuckled as he threw his arm over my shoulder drawing me into his side and my back into the lounge and resting against Liam and his lulling warmth and scent. I smiled softly to myself, I couldn’t be happier, smiling I curled myself into Liam’s side not caring if this came off wrong, right now I didn’t care.

I’d had a bad day.

“We make a good team.” Liam murmured into the top of my head softly, the two of us growing heavy eyes “The best team ever.


Wiping my hair from my eyes, I sobbed softly as I tried to cease the constant flowing tears as they kept coming. The wind rustled my hair and curled around me in a comforting embrace, as I hugged myself tightly walking up the front path and putting my key in the door.

Making my way into the house I stood in the dark, darkness all surrounding me, the house was awfully still, silent and plain misery. By now I thought I’d be used to it, and yet still to this day I can still feel that small glimmer of hope within me every time shrink and fall apart into broken shards.

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