Make It Real - Chp 20 [Melissa]

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“Hey? What happened to you girls pulling an all nighter?” Liam frowned pausing in the doorway as he walked back inside with Eli behind.

I sighed looking over at a passed out Erin, curled up on the couch sleeping softly and looking like an innocent angel. I hooked my thumb at her “She’s soft.” I said simply, shaking my head dramatically with shame.

“What are you watching?” Liam asked softly, peering at the TV screen as a movie rolled by.

“Saw 3.” I shrugged softly turning back to watch it, trying to ignore how the only light from the TV this late made Liam’s body outline glow tauntingly, emphasizing his body.

Eli snorted “Of course she’d fall asleep, you know Ez doesn’t like horror films.” He murmured walking over and sitting down on the lounge beside the curled up sleeping Erin.

Liam and I shared an amused glance but said nothing, content to let Eli believe he wasn’t obvious with how whipped he was over his best friend’s twin sister.

Liam smiled back before crossing to sit beside me “You know, you shouldn’t be watching scary films by yourself either, I mean who’s going to hold your hand at the scary part?” he asked, his eyes sparkling with amusement.

I rolled my eyes, smiling as out of the corner of my eye I watched as Erin subconsciously snuggled into Eli’s lap, his eyes lighting up as if he just won the lottery, his eyes blazing with love.

“Don’t worry, I’m here though now.” Liam continued oblivious to Eli’s hands running through Erin’s hair gently as she slept “I can hold your hand now.” he said holding out his hand.

I laughed softly, rolling my eyes but not taking him up on the offer.

Until five minutes when I screamed, squeezing his hand to death as I cowered in his side.


I walked into class letting my head drop down on the desk with a loud thump, drawing the attention of those around me. I ignored them though, just like I’ve ignored them about everything else, like the whispers, the soft murmurs and even the school girl giggles.

My head throbbed as I reached up massaging out the strain and stiff muscles in my face and around my eyes, this constant headache has been haunting and taunting me for these past few weeks and it simply just isn’t leaving or making all this drama and crap around me any easier. Some days I just wish I could run home and dive into my bed and just simply stay there, not have to get up and go to school with this tough façade or anything else. I just wished things were more simple and sweeter, not some bloody soap opera show, I mean I didn’t even ask or want to be a part of Days of our Lives and yet it feels as if I’ve stepped right onto the set.

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