Make It Real - Chp 9 [Erin]

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Racing around the corner I clashed into Eli, “Oh, hi!” I cried brightly before realizing I was meant to be quiet “Woops.” I whispered with a grimace on my face only making Eli chuckle.

“Where are you hiding out?” he asked me as we both made our way down the side of my house trying to hide from Mel and Liam who were in for murder in the dark whilst everyone else from our tenth birthday party was already off hiding.

I shrugged biting my bottom lip tentatively “I’m not sure.” I whispered.

“I’ve got an idea, follow me.” he urged grabbing my hand and tugging me down to the back of the house.

Reaching the back of the fence I stopped to frown “Over the fence? But that’s out of bounds.” I murmured, tentatively.

Eli shrugged “So.” He said with a cute little devilish smile on his face.

I giggled with excitement at cheating “Okay.”

Eli gestured me “Do you want to or should I….?” he trailed off gesturing to the fence.

Yet I was already on it as I tried to scramble up the page with nothing to grip onto, let’s just say with my minimal height it was a failure, a massive failure. It was as I reached the top with my hands I reached around hastily searching for something to cling my life to as I hoisted myself up that I felt the steel colourbond fence slice along my palm.

Hissing as the searing pain hit my palm and I could feel the warmth already of my blood I let myself drop onto the other side of the fence as I cradled my hand to my chest and tried to soothe the searing pain in my palm as I bit my bottom trembling lip.

The soft thud of Eli hit the dirt met my ears than the soft sound of Eli as he stepped towards my huddled body up against the fence in a huddle “Ez?” he asked tentatively.

It was as soon as I looked up that he stepped into action. In a flash he rushed to my side as he searched for my hand where as soon as seeing it, even though it wasn’t going to need stitches, at least I hoped, he held my hand in his hands before he added pressure.

“It’s going to be okay, are you okay?” he asked worry written in his face as he looked up at me.

I nodded before letting go a large gush of air “Yeah, just distract me.” I whispered with a plea.

Eli nodded with a smile “Okay. Hey, did you know I read that Christopher Paolini book, called Eragon, the one you suggested.” He said.

I looked up interested; it was a book I suggested for him seeing since I had no idea what a ten year old boy read. But Jenny, a worker at my school’s library told me to try it. “Well, what did you think?”

“I thought it was awful!” he cried “You have awful taste!” he cried.

I gasped in outrage, and that’s how we sat in the backyard for over an hour bickering and arguing. Liam and Mel were inside watching The Simpsons whilst everyone else had left. Yet we didn't care, we were having the most fun we have had the entire party.


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