Make It Real - Chp 16 [Melissa]

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 “Do you think they’re kissing in there?” I hissed to Liam.

Liam looked over at me, the both of us hiding in Erin’s closet whilst she was in her room talking to Eli, the two of them oblivious to us.

Liam chortled “No, Eli’s too big of a wimp.”

I rolled my eyes “Because you’re so manly yourself!” I hissed back at him, trying to go by unnoticed.

Liam narrowed his eyes at me “I am too!” he shouted back in an angry whisper.

I folded my arms with a pointed glance “As if. It’s not like you have the guts to go around and kiss whoever the hell you want to kiss.”

“Really? I’ll prove you wrong!” he countered, with a smug glance.

I raised a single brow with curving lips “Prove it.” I challenged.

Before I could even have the chance to pull back Liam hands shot out in the small space and grabbed my face in his hands, his hands warms and doing things to my heart. I didn’t even have the chance to blink before he was pulling my face to his and he was molding his lips to mine.

He pulled back as I only blinked in a daze, my lips tingling in my inexperienced fourteen year old body “I told you I can kiss who ever the damn I want to kiss.”


The next forty eight hours were the most grueling hours in my life. I kept myself locked up in my house Sunday making sure my entire house was locked and I had all curtains were drew incase Liam was close.

I avoided Liam all day Sunday as if he was the plague, I convinced him with a lie that I just needed some time alone for myself and he agreed leaving me alone. I was fairly sure that he didn’t buy the lie but he just knew he couldn’t sleep outside my house for the rest of his life.

I wanted with every fiber of my body to open the front door and let him inside to the warmth and everything but there was something that held me back. That being the shield that protected my heart. That didn’t stop me from being nice, when he had fallen asleep against the door I made my way around the back and quietly wrapped him in the thickest blanket we had in the house not wanting him to get a cold and leaving a coffee by his side.

Even though he left early Sunday morning – I wasn’t entirely too sure when – and it was something I knew he needed to do being healthy and also since I didn’t want him at my door begging to be let in, another part of me couldn’t be saddened. The sick twisted part of me couldn’t help but feel wounded at the fact that he hadn’t fought longer, and demanded and begged for me just that little bit longer.

Even if I wasn’t going to cave.

Sunday passed by slowly as I curled on my bed watching reruns of The Simpsons, Family Guy and Futurama late into the night and dreaded Monday slowly crept around.

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