Make It Real - Chp 31 [Erin]

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“Isn’t that illegal or something?” I mumbled as I stared up at the ceiling of my room dejectedly.

Liam and Mel snorted at me and Eli leant over giving my arm a gentle little squeeze of sympathy and reassurance as he offered me a similar smile.

Mel sighed from somewhere behind me “I can’t believe she expected me to be happy at the news.”  She muttered in disbelief as usual letting her anger trump her hurt as she only pushed it down further.

“She’s not really going to.” Eli murmured reassuringly.

“Yeah,” Liam agreed “she’s going to have to fight all of us before we’ll let you move.”

The sound of me choking up and beginning to cry filled the still gloomy room, my hands reached up hastily to cover up my tears and face as I began to cry into my hands. I’d been holding and fighting back all of these tears with all my might and I simply couldn’t do it anymore, Mel couldn’t move!

“Oh now you’ve done it.” Mel sighed.

“What?” Liam asked somewhere near Mel.

“You said the ‘m’ word.” Eli said sternly before rolling over towards me as he wrapped his arms around me “It’s alright Ez; she’s not going to move.”

I only cried harder into my hands as I realized just how embarrassing and stupid I was being. It was one thing to cry in front of your brother or your best friend but it was another thing completely to have your brother’s best friend who you had a massive crush on to see you cry like a pathetic blubbering baby.

“Oh good one Eli.” Mel mumbled as she reached out from somewhere behind me.

“It’s okay!” I insisted shaking my head, trying to pull myself together which only made me cry more.

“You want to know something cool?” she murmured suddenly planning to distract me “We’re lying on your bedroom floor in the perfect star shape.”

I wiped my eyes as I looked around at the four of us, spread out on my bedroom floor since Mel came in with some news. Than one by one the boys came to join us on the floor and joined the solemn mood, lying on the floor and staring up at the ceiling as we thought of life here without Mel, my sister.

We were all lying with our heads up at the same end, stretching out like start points, it was enough to make me laugh weakly through a sniffle as Eli and even Liam gave me a reassuring squeeze.

“We’re also the same as that big star you’ve got on your ceiling, right in the middle.” She said, her arm reaching up in the air as she pointed to my biggest glow in the dark star, it was my favorite since it was even bigger than my hand. “So if I do mo-“

“Don’t say that.” I said looking at her, shaking my head pleading.

She sighed sadly as she reached out and held my hand, me clinging tightly back to her hand to the point it’d have to hurt. Yet she didn’t protest. “So if I do move,” she continued “no matter I’m always going to be right here, just on your ceiling.” She added on wryly “Not some corny clichéd place like your heart.”

I laughed wiping under my eyes like the boys, all four of us linking hands together, connected. It was just like Mel to ruin one of those corny yet special moments, she wasn’t one for sweetness. She acted like a tom boy but I knew it was because once she let the sweetness start those walls would come tumbling down.

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