Make It Real - Chp 38 [Melissa]

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With a soft and gentle moan I could faintly hear the soft rustling of sheets before a hand was sliding over my naked hip and resting on the centre of my stomach. A lazily smile slid along my lips as I snuggled down into my makeshift bicep pillow. A gentle kiss was pressed to my shoulder blade as a hand ran in soft stroking massage on my flat stomach.

Was I still dreaming? I thought with a dreamy yet lazy grin.

“Morning beautiful.” He husked behind me nuzzling his face into the crook of my neck as he inhaled deeply before brushing a kiss across my delicate flesh.

I smiled as I hummed in pleasure nuzzling back into my heavenly smelling pillow “Morning handsome.”

“Don’t ever move, ever.” He murmured deeply into my ear as he clutched me tighter, pressing his front to my back closer and a lot more intimately. I could feel every pane of that luscious body.

“Mmmm,” I hummed with a lazy grin I honestly could not get rid of “I’m certainly not arguing with that.”

“I love you.” He cooed kissing my shoulder as his hand continued massaging my stomach making me shudder “And just so you know, last night was the best night of my entire life.”

I looked at him over my shoulder as I stroked the hair out of his eyes “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.” I whispered.

“I honestly cannot believe that I finally am right here, with you in my arms.” He murmured softly in awe, he was utterly over the moon as he looked at me as if I was the entire universe.

I smiled softly “Mmmm, I thought it was all a beautiful dream.”

“You’re all mine.” He husked nibbling on my ear.

I gasped feeling breathless, how could he always make my heart skip a beat? I melted into him, wrapping my arms around him as I pulled him murmuring breathless against his firm lips “You’re my everything.”

Before we lost ourselves in each other, melding together as one.


“What?” Erin and I both exclaimed simultaneously in alarm, our heads snapping over to them as quick as a whip.

The boys’ expressions were almost terrifying; they looked so serious and firm. There was no tenderness, no calmness and there certainly was none of the love and adore I was showered in this morning when I had woken up in Liam’s arms. Eli leant against the doorway with nothing but a stern and strict face whilst Liam leant against the doorway arms folded. I couldn’t help but absently realize that there were no drinks in their hands.

Liam nodded tersely “We called the police.” He reiterated his voice void of anything.

I glanced quickly over at Erin the two of us sharing a dubious and terrified expression. My heart was in my feet and my gut was churning with cold blooded dread. My heart pounded and my mind raced unable to grasp what they’ve said. They called the police? Ran through my mind over and over again trying to understand what that meant.

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