Make It Real - Chp 1 [Erin]

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“Mum I don’t want to go to the football! I want to finish this book!” I sulked in the car stuck between Eli and Liam, the two of them excited to play under 8’s footy today. It was freezing outside and there had been a frost, I definitely didn’t want to be pulled away from my bed.

“Your such a cry baby Erin, it’s a book, god!” Liam cried out giving me a glare.

Usually we got along fine and he was the protective older brother (only by a few minutes) but since I was killing his buzz for his so called “big game” he was getting snappy.

Eli shrugged “It is cold.” He allowed. Liam huffed folding his arms before snorting and brushing it off. “Besides I don’t think babies can read.” He taunted making Liam roll his eyes and slump further in his seat.

I gave Eli a shy but grateful smile as he stood up for me. He knew just what to say to clear up any tension we had, we didn’t fight much but when we did it got nasty. Eli was like our referee, always stopping it before it got out of hand. He smiled faintly back at me giving my hand a discreet squeeze before turned to face out the window.


“No I can’t. Can you put that down.” I hissed up at him. He caught the item and raised his brow pointedly “Please?” I said rolling my eyes as I sat behind the small white desk slash counter.

He turned and put it back on the shelf in the corner and turned back around to face me “C’mon.” He pleaded his gray eyes falling into a soft look, something like a dog at the pound.

Before I could snap back the phone rang jumping slightly I reached for it and picked it up “Body Beautiful, Erin speaking.” I said in my best confident friendly voice. Jed smirked over the table and taking the advantage stepped around the desk over the ‘employees only’ invisible barrier “Um, no sorry we won’t be opened Sunday.” I said eyeing Jed as he stepped closer and leant in extremely close to my face, too close “No Tuesdays are fine.” I said attempting to keep the anger at Jed out of my tone.

“Please.” He pleaded pulling at my arm like a child.

I shoved him away “Okay. Thank you. Bye.” I said and hung up “No!” I snapped at him “I can’t, so no.”

He straightened up “Okay.” He said in defeat but also annoyance “Call ya late than maybe. Love you.” He said as he paused at the door.

I looked up “Yeah me too, bye.” And without another word I looked back at the desk as if busy.

The sound of the door closing told me that my boyfriend; Jed Coleman had finally took the hint and left. As I searched under my desk for my bag an inch of guilt surged through my body; I just lied to my boyfriend of eight months and told him I couldn’t leave the shop. I could have left if I wanted to; it was a quiet day so mum wouldn’t have minded. I lied to avoid hanging out with Jed for the day, what was wrong with me? Though I knew our day wouldn’t be anything then him making out with me in the back of his car and persisting me to cave in and let him get in my pants, though I must admit he wasn’t doing that as much lately when we did get a chance to meet up, maybe he had given up asking realizing I wasn’t going to cave any time soon.

As I laid my hands on the book all guilt left me, it was simple why; I wanted some me time. I smiled shrugging, it was fair enough I thought as I pulled the book opened and left all my problems behind. Legs curled up on the chair I sat absorbed in my own world. The chair swayed as I absentminded swiveled on the swivel chair. I was at peace.

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