Make It Real - Chp 2 [Melissa]

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“You know I don’t get it Mel why don’t you just reply to him? I mean what is there to lose?” Erin questioned me as me lounged in the lounge room like slobs as we watched Liam play the Play Station through stoned eyes. We were facing the symptoms of someone who only had an hour sleep as they decided to have a movie marathon.

“What’s there to gain?” I grumbled under my breath, my lack of sleep making me even grouchier about such a delicate subject.

Erin puffed a sigh of frustration and worry, “Look Mel for all you know he m-“

“Erin, she doesn’t have to call the douche alright?” Liam cried breaking his concentration from the game. And to think I had myself believe he wasn’t listening nor caring in the slightest. “The guys a dick and honestly it was his loss to lose Mel. Mel’s part of our family now, dad’s already declared her as his, he has nothing to gain and neither does Mel.” Liam said fiercely with his usual sisterly protectiveness. He was one to be something you’d call overprotective and so was I, we both sought bonding over worrying about Erin. “He fucked up his own life, he doesn’t deserve Mel, end of discussion.”

And although he called my biological father a “dick” and such I couldn’t help but smile as I watched Liam Cormack turn his face back towards the video game and continue to shoot the living daylights right out of any attacker, like a true protector.


I cursed underneath my breath as I weaved in and out of people down the main street, it was ten to six and people were rushing to shops before six o’clock, otherwise known as closing time. In Epping it was usually such a small and quite friendly town but in between five thirty and six our main street turned into a wild zoo. I often compared to the scene in Mean Girls where they do the wild scene like animals, every time it would bring a smile to m face and I’d laugh like a clinically insane person to myself.

However today I just couldn’t find the will to smile today had been…painful to put it lightly. I was so wrung out and spiraled into havoc that nothing was comforting, my thoughts were spiraling and I just didn’t know what to do. First it was detention, than it was words that I overheard and to top it all off there was the whole “I'm awesomer than you” debate I had daily with Madison Hoover, she just didn’t seem to understand what the word “slut” truly meant. I had literally handed her the dictionary the other day and tried to break it down for her, and yet when she looks in the mirror she doesn’t see trash but rather cash. As if she was really some sort of asset. Don’t make me laugh. To put it lightly it just wasn’t my day.

So as I streamed down our main street barging people over that barged at me also (minus the grannies, I'm not that heartless) I rushed to reach Erin at her mum’s work before she was out that door. I glanced hastily down at my watch and although it screamed at me “You’re too late!” I defiantly pushed on cursing softly under my breath at the hold up before me at the pedestrian. That was one thing about me I was stubborn, I didn’t give up and I did what I wanted to do. It wasn’t like I had someone to actually boss me about, I fended for myself.

Cursing with impatience I ran my hands with a jagged and harsh edge through my hair and ran across the street in a rather illegal way. Another thing about me; I was far from patient. I can’t wait for things to happen I make them happen. Ignoring the profanities I continued you on in a brisk pace only flipping off a couple people from school that were courageous enough to send me a disgust glance as if I was literally grime. I hated that, the sneers of those in school that really thought they’re all that. I mean seriously so you got a boob job, what do you expect from the world, a freakin’ Nobel Prize? Filthy animals those people are the ones that walk around with a gleam in their eyes and a condescending smile on their face that said “Bow down!” by now though they realized that Melissa just didn’t bow down, it wasn’t part of my nature. I had been trampled over too much and it just wasn’t part of my criteria anymore. Standing up on the other hand…..

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