Make It Real - Chp 15 [Erin]

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“Are you sure you’re okay?” Eli asked me softly, crouching down to my height as I rubbed my head with a grimace.

Curse football. I had, when playing touch football on the lawn with a bunch of family and friends been hit in the head by the ball making me hit the deck.

I nodded stiffly rubbing my head as I pushed myself up off the ground swaying slightly, I grunted to Eli in acknowledgment “Yeah, I’m fine.” I muttered “I’m just going to head inside for a drink of water.”

Making my way inside I tried to walk straight and act indifferent, all fine and not as if I was about to faint. Because I felt as if my sixteen year old gangly body was about to hit the deck any minute as my head pounded heavily and my stomach churned.

Making my way into the kitchen having everyone fooled I took a greedy gulp from the glass of water, my body swaying slightly and the room still spinning beneath me. It wasn’t until I turned around at the sound of the back glass door opening startling me that the dizziness and I spinning around sharply took control.

My body stumbled as I held my head groaning, an arm wrapped around my waist steadying me and holding me still. I grumbled under my breath as Eli held me close and tight before hoisting me up onto the kitchen counter and sitting between my legs.

Li brushed the hair from my eyes as he looked me in the eyes “Why didn’t you tell me you felt dizzy?” he murmured softly.

I shrugged wiping under my eyes “It doesn’t matter, I didn’t want you guys to stop playing.” I grumbled hating being treated like a fragile girl.

“I don’t want you lying to me, no matter what alright?” he asked seriously looking me right in the eye “You tell me straight away.”

I nodded causing me to groan, my head still pounding. Eli sighed softly as he wrapped his arms around my face and bought my face into his chest and held me there and still, the spinning room stopping and his scent lulling me to a point of content and tranquility.

I could get used to this.


I sighed softly, stirring from my slumber. I let my face nestle deeper into my pillow, a smile slivering along my lips, the back of my neck tickled softly at the warm breath on the back of my neck, causing me to shiver. I smiled greater as nestled myself closer and deeper into the tantalizing warmth and scent.

I didn’t think anything of it until suddenly I felt something that was sitting heavily yet protectively in my own hands, holding them, moved along my skin. My body stilled, my breath hitched as I kept my eyes close shut tight.

What was touching me?

My eyes fluttered opened hesitantly before I looked slowly, hesitantly down. My breath was caught as I glanced down to find someone’s hands curled and holding my own hands in theirs. Their arms were wrapped around my waist, holding me close. The more I let my sense turn alive did I realize that this stranger was lying behind me, their front pressed into my back. Yet that wasn’t that scared me the most, what scared me the most was the fact that I couldn’t feel the barrier of clothing between us. Skin was touching skin, my body heating and scorching under the sensual touch.

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