Make It Real - Chp 6 [Melissa]

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“Where’s Ez?” I asked as I walked into their lounge room and was met by silence.

Liam shrugged with a smile “Eli offered to take her to some job or something.” He said carelessly making me smile knowingly, I bet Eli loved every minute of it.

I nodded “I guess I better….” I trailed off gesturing to the door.

“No, stay. I'm just watching reruns of The Simpsons, stay and watch with until she’s back.” He offered. I knew Erin’s job took more than a couple hours rather it took her minimum four but obviously he didn’t if he was offering me to stay ‘till then, right?

I nodded smiling as I nestled into the seat beside him “I love The Simpsons.” I whispered.

He sighed softly sending me that gorgeous smile just for me “Me too.”


I sighed as I flicked the channel again and left it on Channel V as they played at Panic! At the Disco special. Getting up and making my way to the kitchen I left the music blaring as I skipped over to my fridge and pulled out a bottle of soda and piled up packets of chocolates and lollies in my arms, teeth and anywhere else I could hold the pile of junk food in my arms. Walking back towards the couch I dumped a pile on the coffee table and couch not caring in the slightest it would mark, I mean if it meant my mother would actually talk to me why not?

Walking back towards the kitchen to get a cup and maybe some more junk food (what? I had a bad day at school!), someone knocked rather loudly on the door, which I didn’t blame them since the music was blaring. “Come in loser!” I called out to who I presumed was Erin, she was the only one that dropped by apart from mum and after getting a voicemail message from her it was obviously not her.

It was as I reached up to the top shelf singing loudly to The Ballad of Mona Lisa that I could hear the ting of keys being dumped on my kitchen bench and a “Loser eh?”

I squealed the cup hitting the floor as the glass smashed all around me. I clutched my chest gasping as I glanced up I narrowed my eyes “That’s unfair!” I shouted at a bemused Liam as he stood by my kitchen bench with his arms folded and a smug smile on his face.

“That my dear is entertainment.” He chortled as he reached over and pulled out the dustpan and broom and began sweeping up the shards as I stood pitifully like a damsel in distress in the middle of the shards.

I felt weak and for not one moment did I enjoy it so I threw the attention back on him “What the hell are you doing here anyway?” I asked of him sharply as I folded my arms and tapped my feet in mock impatience.

Liam shrugged casually “I actually…’s about Erin.” He said awkwardly scratching the back of his neck like he always did when nervous. I couldn’t help but smile faintly at the cute action.

It didn’t take me long to sober up though, Liam coming to me about serious things wasn’t highly odd but coming to me about Erin…. Well that was. Erin was a smart girl and she wasn’t one to worry about with rebelling and such so we didn’t need serious chatter about Erin’s wellbeing.

Until now.

I sighed sadly all my superior act going out the door “Jed, right?” I clarified.

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