Make It Real - Chp 36 [Melissa]

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“Melissa?” a voice sang at the front door followed by a loud thumping and multiple bashings against the door frame. The corner of my lips tugged in amusement as I walked towards the door at two in the morning “Melissaaaaaaaaaaaaa!” he sang again, his voice turning girlie.

I shook my head with the roll of my eyes as I turned the door handle and unlocked the door, pulling it open to find Liam on my doorstep. I arched a perfect shocked brow at him “What are you doing here Mr.?” I asked sternly.

Liam wavered on his feet; nevertheless he gave me a mock bow as he removed his imaginary hat “Good evening Miss.”

“I think it’s rather good morning.” I pointed out folding my arms.

“Oh good heavens! It’s mor- Oh shit!” he cried as his body began to lean and slope aiming right for the ground.

Luckily we were both there to catch him, my arms ran around him as I hoisted him up straight and I tugged him indoors. He smelt of alcohol and he was drenched from walking in the storm. I shook my head as I looked him over to make sure he was okay and wasn’t carrying anything else on him or missing something. With a severe struggle I carried and hoisted him up the stairs to my room as he slurred and prattled on as he went through the highs and lows of being as drunk as a skunk.

Of course the one night I’m not out he is I thought to myself bitterly as I dropped him down on my bed with a big heave of an ‘off’.

I watched as he sighed deeply in content, a placid smile tugging at his lips as he nuzzled into my pillow. His damp body drenching my warm sheets and pillows I’d just been hiding in. narrowing my eyes before sighing in defeat I tugged his shoes off and his jacket as he made little mumbling sounds of acknowledgement and reminded me for the millionth time I couldn’t tell his parents he was drinking let alone drunk.

“Comfy?” I asked partially sarcastic.

“Mmmm.” He hummed back with a dopey grin.

I rolled my eyes again before crawling back into my bed and leaning over to flick the light off. Again, I reached for the remote on my bedside table and pressed play again to the movie on my TV against the wall. There was a storm outside and I certainly couldn’t sleep in these conditions, I needed something to keep me sane and remind me I was safe, I needed to feel safe.

“Mel?” Liam mumbled groggily, drooling on my pillow.

“Yeah?” I whispered back quietly, turning back to my TV as I tried to ignore the lock of hair in his eyes I wanted to brush aside.

“Can you make me breakfast in the morning when I wake up?” he mumbled sleepily, looking so adorable that it tugged at my heart.

I smiled in amusement “Breakfast in bed your majesty?” I asked teasingly.

“Mmmm.” Liam hummed back unaware to my joking “With juice.” He mumbled back cutely into my pillow.

I sighed caving in to millions of things as I reached over and brush the hair out of his eyes “You’re lucky you’re cute.” I murmured back with a mixture of amusement, wishful dreaming, aching and defeat.

I turned back to the TV turning the volume down for Liam but enough so I could hear still; it looks like I’d be up all night. Because it didn’t look like drunken Liam was going to bring home that safety that I so desperately needed.

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