Make It Real - Chp 25 [Erin]

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“Don’t you find it funny that you’re meant to be learning about maths but instead your sitting in a tree like a sloth?” I quirked as I kicked my legs back and forth in the breeze lazily as I looked over the multiple questions we still had left.

I could practically hear Eli shrug as he answered “I’d prefer monkey.”

I laughed “Sure baboon, get that red ass over here.” I commanded.

Eli chuckled and with a loud thud I knew he was back on the ground before he laid down beside me in the long green grass, joining me as we laid on our stomachs kicking our feet back and forth lazily in the breeze.

“I love this place.” Eli murmured with a soft smile as he glanced up at the huge weeping willow that cocooned us in like we were in our own personal globe.

My lips quirked “Well you’re not going to like your mark on your next maths test if you don’t study.” I pointed out through a pointed stern glare.

Eli rolled his eyes in exasperation “It’s negative forty two, happy?”

I gaped at him “I didn’t even ask the question!”

Eli shrugged as he rolled onto his back beside me, throwing his hands behind his head lazily and carefree – and though I wouldn’t admit it – looking like an utter and complete god. “You’re just a great tutor.”

I rolled my eyes “Nice try baboon, you looked at the answers in the back didn’t you?” I demanded.

Eli quirked his bottom lip into a cheeky and amused smile “Me? Never, your brother though….” He trailed off chuckling. “Look,” he said easily seeing my stern glare “relax will you, what’s the next question?” he asked to soothe my worry. One of us had to worry when he had an exam tomorrow morning and he hadn’t even studied yet, the moron.

I sighed before turning back to the question and reading the question out loud and before I could even work out the question Eli answered it. I narrowed my eyes at him “You so cheated.” I accused as with a huff I flicked the page to find a different question he didn’t know the answer to.

We kept at it for a while then, me firing questions and him answering with ease. Too much ease. By the end I was grumpy and huffing in frustration, feeling slightly put out and competitive I admit as I looked away from him with a pout.

Eli chuckled as he turned his head and looked up at him “Alright, alright I’ll tell you a secret.”

My head snapped towards him with eager eyes “You did cheat didn’t you!” I cried smugly feeling not as stupid or slow anymore.

Eli rolled his eyes “No, the reason why I asked for you to tutor me wasn’t for tutoring. Rather I just wanted to spend the day with tutor girl….” He trailed off with a smile.

I narrowed my eyes disbelieving at first, than seeing the sincerity in his eyes they softened to feeling shy, touched and giddy with happiness than right back to disbelieving and narrowed again.

“And to ask her if she’d share this awesome spot with me?” he added on cheekily late as he taunted me.

“I will,” I agreed playing dirty myself “as long as you pass your maths test.”

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