But There's A Bump In The Road

Start from the beginning

                I guess it truly doesn’t matter- I’m with Niall and I have a wonderful future set out with him. Although that’s what I thought about Heath, too…

                When I say I love Niall, I mean it. Every ounce of my heart loves him. He’s perfect and sweet to me. There’s not a thing I would change about him. The thing is, despite the time passed, and the hatred that has grown, and even all the heartbreaks he has caused me, I never truly did let go of all the wonderful times I had with Heath- and I never will, because once you fall in love, you can never forget about it- the best you can do is try to move on.

                And I have moved on. That’s why I won’t call him back, ever. I never let go of the good times we had, but I never forgot the bad times, either.

                My eyes look up and I sigh.

                Never even noticed that I was already at the coffee shop where I’m meeting my boss- Oh.

                I stay put for a few seconds, just trying to lower my heart rate and get my emotions back in check before I exit the car. When everything feels about right, my hands reach for the door and open it as I step out and walk towards the coffee shop.

                My eyes immediately land on the familiar figure on the side of the coffee shop.

                “Tricia!” I run towards my boss’ secretary.

                “Oh hey there!” She looks at me with a certain sparkle in her eyes. “Guess who’s your new boss?”

                “You got promoted? Congrats!” I smile and give her a hug. Last summer, when I made… My mistake… Tricia was the one that managed to make sure that the whole article never hit the newspaper stands. If it hadn’t been for her, I may have ended my friendship with the boys for good.

                “Yes, I did! And I had to fly out to talk to you about your article.”

                “La La Land?”

                “Yes. Well, now that the tour is over, there really isn’t much of a story left. And we only have three more updates of it before you have no more pre-written copies. So, I think it’s time we start to discuss a new column for you.”

                My lips curl into a smile. “I like the sound of that. So what do you have in mind?”

                “Well, there is one opening left for a co-run interview column. You would run it with a partner, and you would interview various artists and celebrities.”

                “It would be a written article?”

                “As well as an online video column. We would also make videos so fans can watch them online. How’s this sounding?”

                “Honestly, it sounds brilliant. Meeting tons of celebs, writing about it, and being able to be in videos. Perfect job!” I grin and finally take a seat as a waiter brings over two cups of coffee that Tricia had most likely ordered earlier.

                “Great! I brought the contract because I had a feeling you would like the offer.” She smiles and takes out a contract from her bag as well as a pen. “This just covers the normal basics of a job. It has the liability forms, the release forms, long-term business deals, and your paycheck. If you would just sign here, and there, then we’ll be all set.”

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