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I woke up feeling like I just breathed a buch of fingers and ate a bunch of planets. It must be from the 'trip' me and Gideon had yesterday. I saw Dipper and Pacifica still sleeping, when I looked at the window, Gideon was already dressed and was somehow looking at the window. I got dressed, brushed my teeth but it felt like I brushed my teeth with cold blood. I walked over to Gideon, and when he notised me, he pointed over to the door with the same soldiers from yesterday, my bruises haven't fully healed so fighting them will be very painfull. I walked over to Dipper and Pacifica but I can't wake them up, but Gideon used his ambulet to shake them awake. Dipper yelled: "Hey! You know you can just poke us!" I gigled and Gideon rolled his eyes. Pacifica asked: "Why did you wake us up?" Gideon showed the soldiers. Dipper said: "Welp, we're done for!"

Me and the others rushed downstairs to find Stan blocking the door with the chair he always hates (not the one in front of the TV), Ford holding an even bigger flamethrower than usual, Melody holding a duster to defend herself, Robbie holding his guitar. It was like that until some of the soldiers came inside of the museum. Gideon got his ambulet ready but there were soldiers behind him. The other soldiers got me and somehow made me fall asleep. I heard a last "MAAAAABBBBEEEELLL" before I fell fast asleep.

********* ( Gideon talking )

I freed myself when I got caught by my own stupid soldiers. But and the worst part is that Mabel was kidnapped, she was definitely missing, gone to the woods with my father demanding for the journals. As soon as I saw Mabel being brought away, some soldiers were trying to make my father proud by kidnapping me too, I want to let them but instead Pacifica and Dipper can't risk me missing too, it was sweet, but also very annoying. They both saved me. The Stans were fighting the other soldiers, but I don't care, I was to annoyed to talk to annyone. So I stayed in the corner, not fighting at all. Until the soldiers ran off. Great.... I was going to not talk while everyone was asking questions. I got annoyed, and told them: "I was going to let the soldiers take me so I could save Mabel, but someone saved me, sweet, but very annoying." Dipper and Pacifica quietly and embarrasly (not sure if it is a real word) said: "Sorry..." Then I just crossed my arms and stayed in the corner, pissed and also very very worried. I wish I could punch those dumb soldiers faces and get back Mabel.

*********** ( Mabel talking )

I woke up from a very bad nightmare of me, Gideon, Dipper and Pacifica serve Bill and destroy Earth. I could've sworn I just ate planet Venus. I really feel uncomfortable and uncautious. I could barely stay awake because of maybe sleep medicine? I couldn't really move because of my uncautiousness and being carried by soldiers I had hallutinations of eyes and triangles. The only thing I saw before I close my eyes again, was a hallutination of Gideon, and the last thing I heard wasn't my imagination but actually, real. It was two voices, doing a sinister laugh. One I could tell is Mr. Northwest, the other was, Bill Cipher...... I couldn't tell if it's my ears got a bit deaf of the snow or not but all I could tell from that is Bill haunting my dreams, my life, he might even haunt Gideon's. I couldn't gain cautiousness after that thought so I closed my eyes, and fell asleep.

Hi guys! Sorry if this is a bit short of a part in this book. I made a teensy weensy mistake in my randomness book, I just found out that the draft is only visable to me, so to make this part longer, I will find out how to publish a draft. Oh boy, this might take a while. Uh, stay positive now everyone!

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