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"Look who it is!"

Bakugou froze, then slowly turned around. He flinched when he met those eyes.


"The one and only~" The boy purred. "What is someone like you doing here? Someone as worthless and stu-"

Bakugou slapped him as hard as he could, holding back his tears.

"I'm not fucking worthless," he growled. "You've tormented me for years, and I'm not having it anymore. Leave me alone."

Kirio stayed quiet for a moment, then chuckled.

"Look at you, trying to defend yourself. You think you're so brave? Fight me. After school today in the yard. And your little boyfriend can't help you," he growled, towering over the blonde with a white-hot glare.

Bakugou hesitated, then stood straight.

"You're on."


Bakugou had a good first day.

But then 4 o'clock came by.

Bakugou knew he could just ditch, run out to Kirishima and escape, but Kirio would be there again tomorrow.

So he put his bag in a locker and walked out to the yard, trembling slightly. But he went on, standing straight and walking with confidence.


Kirishima checked his phone.

4:18 pm

All the other students that weren't in dorms had already left, but Bakugou was nowhere to be seen.

Suddenly, a familiar, orange head of hair stepped through the front gates with a smug smirk on his face.

Kirishima quickly walked up to him, grabbing the collar of his shirt and scowling.

"Where is he?"

"I don't know what you mean, sir."

"Where. Is. Bakugou."

"Oh! You must be his boyfriend! He's in the bathroom."

"Take me to him."

Kirio laughed.

"No way."

Kirishima growled softly and dragged the boy back into the school, ignoring all of his protests.

"Directions. Now."

"D-Down this hall and to the right! the first door down the hall!" He choked out, clawing at the firm hand on his shirt.

Kirishima followed the directions and slammed the door open, throwing Kirio inside and closing the door with a bang. He locked it and looked down at the blonde on the floor, bruised and bloody.

He crouched down and helped the boy stand, inspecting his wounds and frowning softly.

"Babyboy... what'd he do to you?" He whispered, kissing his forehead gently and pulling him into his arms.

He didn't expect Bakugou to answer, so his silence didn't bother him. He glared down at the trembling boy still on the ground.

"Leave. Before I do something I'll regret," he growled.

Kirio nodded quickly and stumbled up, unlocking the door and running away.

Kirishima held Bakugou tighter and he knew he was getting blood on his shirt, but he didn't care. He gently lifted the blonde bridal style, getting the soft murmur of directions so he could go get his bag.

When all of that was accomplished and they were both in the car, Kirishima drove them home.


"Will you tell me what happened?" Kirishima whispered as he cleaned Bakugou's wounds.

The blonde whimpered softly.

"He challenged me to a fight," he mumbled.

Kirishima sighed, but didn't ask anymore questions. He bandaged his boyfriend up gently, kissing his cheek when he was finished.

"I'm sorry that happened to you, angel..." he murmured. "I love you."

"I love you too... what'd you do today?"

Kirishima chuckled.

"Went to work, nothing too special. Speaking of that, one of my coworkers is coming over tomorrow night. Is that okay?"

Bakugou nodded, getting a soft smile out of Kirishima.

"I think you'll like him."


A/N - Bakugou isn't weak by any means, okay?? There's just always someone out there who's stronger. Still love the little shit haha-

𝓢𝓾𝓰𝓪𝓻~ (Kiribaku Sugar Daddy AU) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now