Chapter Fifty-Six: "Baby gravy."

Start from the beginning

"I wasn't sure."

"What baby do you know can drink piping hot milk, Alexander?"

"I like when you say my name like that. Makes me want to get home quicker."

"Now is not the time." I smile to myself while continuing to feed my baby.

"Okay. I got everything you said.. food wise. Now, I need to get diapers, not that yellow kind because we don't like those. I also need to get more bottles apparently and then baby food and rice. Anything else you need while I'm out?"

"Can you bring me back some sushi, please?"

"What kind?"

"Surprise me."

"So none?"


"My dick is hard, stop it." He whispers. I stifle my laugh before grabbing my phone, sticking my tongue out at him. He shows his beautiful smile before holding the phone closer to his face. "Jalen.. Jalen! Say 'dada'."

Alexander has spent the last two weeks attempting to get one of the triplets to say 'dada' or 'daddy'.. even though they are only four months. Of course, none of them have replied but Alexander sees no harm in trying.

Jalens eyes dart to my phone, where he hears Alexander's voice coming from. He smiles widely, exposing his gums, before reaching for my phone.

"You want Daddy? Tell him to get off the phone with Mommy so he can hurry up."

"Tell Mommy to stop sending Daddy to the stores because Daddy always gets the wrong things."

"Tell Daddy that I didn't send him to t-," he hung up.

Alexander Parker really just hung up on me.

I'm going to kill him.

"Let's finish giving you this so I can put you down for a nap." I say to Jalen, continuing to feed him.

Tomorrow was Maya's birthday. We were having her birthday party at Alexander's house, so I instructed him to grab all the food and decorations that we needed.

Alexander's been stressing about the party ever since he saw a post where a little kid had no one show up to his party.

It was pretty sad.

So, he's been harassing me about what to do if people don't show up.

All I can say is, if they rsvp'd and don't come, we're going to fuck them up.

Just kidding.

Maya has enough Uncles and Aunts to make up for the loss of kids. She probably wouldn't even notice. At the same time, that's a really shitty thing to do.

What else do your four year olds have to do?


Just drop them off at the party.

The kids would probably rather be at a party with food and drinks versus running around town with their parents; doing boring errands.

"Mommmmy!" Maya whines.

"Yes, lovey?"

"I think something's wrong with Jaisiah." Her voice has a panicky tone that I definitely don't like. I drop the spoon into the counter before rushing out to the living room, where Maya laid on the ground with Jaisiah and Jasmine.

He's on his stomach so I can't see him.

"Why do you say that?"

"Listen." Maya says while I step over Jasmine and place Jalen down. I sit in front of Jaisiah, pulling him into my lap. His breathing was high pitched and his skin was blotchy.

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