"I'm going to go now." I tell him, standing up from his lap.

"Don't take too long, angel." He hums, sending me a wink.

"Okay. Goodbye." I smile, closing the door behind me as he rubs on his jaw, his eyes never leaving mine.


We came back home pretty exhausted. But we had a lot of fun, we had lunch and walked around. And we talked about a lot of things. Everything that happened since she was gone. Except the fact that I'm pregnant. I'm still waiting for a right moment for that.

We got back home and hanged out inside till it was nighttime. That's when the timing was perfect for me to tell Claire I'm pregnant.

So I sat down in the lounge with her next to me, preparing to tell her. I want her to know.

"So um, the reason we're here is because I wanted to tell you something." I beat around the bush.

"What is it?" She asks, raising her brows, looking intrigued.

"I'm pregnant."

As soon as I blurt it out, I watch her eyes widen then her lips part. A huge beaming smile makes its way to her lips and she jumps and hugs me.

"Congratulations! That's such great news." She squeals, squeezing me and rocking back and forth.

"Thank you." I giggle, hugging her back.

I was so happy. I have friends who support me and who are genuinely happy for me. And I have a husband whom I love very much. It can't get more perfect than this.

The rest of the dragged by fast. And already, it was nighttime again.

Hearing the bell ring, I go over to open the door and see who it is.

"Aylina. What are you doing here?"

"I came to see you. We're gonna have a sleepover." She says with a serious tone.

"Come in." I say, holding the door open for her.

I shut the door behind her and we both start walking towards the livingroom. But just then, Tristan walks down the stairs fast and heads towards the door with a concerned look.

"Aurora, Elijah called so I need to go handle something out but I'll be back soon." He informs me.


"You call me if you need anything at all, yeah?" He reminds me and I nod, giving a small smile. He gives me a peck on my lips then wanders off.

I wonder what that's about. But then again, it could be anything. I just hope it's nothing dangerous cause he's just completely healed and I don't want him getting hurt.

Shaking my head, I follow Aylina and Claire into the movie room and prepare for a quiet night in.

Tristan's POV:

"What do we have so far?" I ask, leaning back on my chair and looking and the security footage in front of me as Elijah and Jonas stand behind.

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